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After two weeks aishwarya and shrinivas is getting married... So everyone is busy even bride and groom are also busy.. Bride was busy as day before Yesterday her exam over and today she is going to visakhapatnam for a three day trip... As a college trip... About which she didn't info him.. She thought to surprise him as first two days.. They will trip with college friends and last day they can roam on there own... So aishwarya decided to surprise him in his office...

And Mr groom is busy as he want to complete all his work in advance as he want to have a one month leave after his wedding.. That's why he is two busy.. And after a week he has to go to his village for his wedding... He is over the moon not able to believe.. That he is finally marrying her.. And the whole family is busy in preparing for marriage..

After returning from her trip.. Aishwarya and her family will also go to village and from there everyone go for the shopping together.. As everyone want to enjoy the shopping and everything about the wedding.. This is the last girl in the family and finally the oldest bachelor of the family is getting married.. So overall everyone is way more excited for every particular things..

Today morning aishwarya started for vishakhapatnam with the students and professor...and finally reached her destination.. After checking in the hotel and resting for some time they explored for sometime and finally rested back in the hotel... There two days went like this only with lots of sight seeing bonfire and fun... And these two days.. She didn't video call him.. Convincing him that she is busy and have exams... Only She know
How difficult it was to convince him. And only he knows how desperate he is going for her... As he is only working and not getting any daily dose of his baby..

Today is the last day of there trip and today evening they will leave .. Today they are free to go anywhere they want.. But everyone has to report back before 6 in the evening and whoever.. Wherever is going they need to give the details and person they are meeting with there parents confirming it ... So only few people are going out alone to meet someone and aishwarya is one of those..
Her father confirmed the college and give shrinu's company's address and his phone and other details...

After taking shower and getting ready in jeans and white crop top with white sneakers.. She got ready and once again confirming her look she booked the cab.. For the address which her father gave.. She left to meet him.. Actually surprise him.... After 45 min of drive she reached his company.. Coming out of the cab she saw a big company.. Standing as proud as him.. Little conscious she entered the building and went to the reception...

Seeing a girl standing.. Receptionist ask her politely..... How can i help you.. Ashu thought .. Isn't these receptionist are rude.. How come she is polite and talking to me.. Umm Hii myself aishwarya shivkumar actually i want to meet Mr Srinivas .. So can u please tell me where is his office is so i can meet him... Ashu said coming out of her thought.. Mam do u have any appointment to meet him..
Actually no i don't.. Sorry mam then i can't allow you to meet him,,,,, hope u understand... Yes no issue saying this ashu came in side and called her father.. Papa i don't have appointment and they are not allowing to meet him.. Do something..hearing his daughter shivkumar said.. Wait within five minutes u will go inside his assistant will come to take u.. Just wait dear.. Okh.. Okh papa.. Saying this she cut the call. .

Shivkumar immediately called shrinu's PA shayam... Shayam shivkumar this side
Good morning sir.. How can i help you...
Good morning shyaam.. Actually my daughter is standing in reception she came to meet your sir.. But she don't have any appointment as she wanted to surprise him.. So can u please go and take her to your Sir's office.. Shivkumar said politely.. What mam is here sir.. No issues i will definitely pick her up and thank you so much for informing me sir..
I will leave immediately sir.. Bye sir have a nice day.. Saying this he immediately cut the call and took the left for the reception area... From 39th floor to 2nd floor.. It took little time and he immediately reached the reception area and there he saw a young girl sitting on sofa quietly... Shyaam went to the reception and said... Where is the girl name aishwarya... Ohh there she is sitting on sofa.. Okh.. Saying this he went to the girl and said... Good morning mam are you ms. Aishwarya.. Yes i am did appa sent you here... She asked nervously ... Yes mam i am here to take u to sir.. Did u tell him anything ... She asked shocked... No no mam i didn't his office is on 40th floor so i will take u there... Come saying this they entered the lift and after sometime reached on 40th floor....

Hi linda... Hi shyaam.. Why here sir is busy right now.. U can come later... Umm no linda.. Actually someone else is here to meet sir.. Maam this is linda.. Personal receptionist on this floor and linda this is sir's fiance she came to surprise sir.. Linda looked ashu from head to toe and gave a forced smile.. Feeling conscious aishwarya.. Fixed her side bag and gave a smile... Mam that's ceo's office u can go there... But he is in meeting linda interrupted shyaam rudely.... Doesn't matter saying this she headed toward the office and without knocking opend the door... Saying a loud hiii in all chirpy way

Hearing a hii shrinu looked up from his laptop and he saw his baby.. But he thought he is imagining so ignoring he again looked down.... I said hiiiiii this time again shrinu looked up and she was still there... Are u really here... He asked standing up and taking long steps he immediately reached near her and cupping her face again asked are u real.. Yes i am.. She said all smiling..he kept desperately staring at her.. Like he got sir to breath... And this all was seen by linda and shyaam... Linda kept staring at them

Feeling a stare shrinu looked up and said.. Linda cancel my all meeting today and nobody is allowed to disturbe me okhay... Saying this without waiting for reply he closed the door of his office and locked it... He made her sit on his chair and he knelt on front of her holding her legs... I still can't believe you are really here... I am here Mr. CEO and someone told me you are in meeting but you are not... She asked.. No i am not who said that to u.. Thinking a little she said no one i just thought.. I thought i eill enter your office and saw with a girl and then i would misunderstood the situation.. But nothing happened.. So disappointing..

This is real life baby.. Not some movie what weird stuff are you talking..but ya
One thing is true.. I am with a girl and now.. I will be with this girl that also in a very bad manner.... He said with a smirk.
What do you mean she asked innocently..
I mean that... Saying this he pulled her from the chair and he sat on the chair.. And pulled aishwarya on his lap... She sat on his lap... Open your shoes and sit facing me.. Properly okay.. He said in a authoritative tone... She immediately opened her shoes slowly and sat on his lap facing him... Getting all shy...

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