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Shrinu stirred in his sleep and slightly opened his eyes and first person he saw was his beautiful wife.. She was looking soo gorgeous even in her sleep.. Shrinu bent his head little and kissed her forehead then her two beautiful big eyes then her nose and at last a peck on her red swollen lips.. Ashu moved a little due to all these movement and snuggled more into him.. Shrinu smiled at her action and slowly shifted away from her and got up.. He put a pillow on his place and coverd ashu properly..

Shrinu immediately got fresh and step out of the bathroom.. He was going out of his room when suddenly his phone rang.
He immediately turned around and took the phone from the side table, received it and went out of the room.. " I hope it's very urgent shyaam otherwise it will be too bad for you " He answered in a strict voice.. Shyaam took a deep breath and said " Sir actually today u didn't came to the office soo there are few files u need to review and i have to answer few e-mail if yours soo i need to know your response regarding them.. It's really urgent sir " Shyaam said in a breath

"Okay send me those i will look at it and yes do it soon " Saying this shrinu cut the call and step down the stairs when a delicious smell hit his nostrils .. He took big steps towards the kitchen saw mary aunty was busy in the kitchen cooking and instructing the maids.. "Whats going on.. Look like someone is cooking something very delicious " He asked with a smile... Aunty immediately looked up hearing his voice and immediately teased him .. " Look like someone is up after a beautiful sleep with his wife.. "

Shrinu held her hand and kissed the back of her hand with a big smile and said "obviously yes my  beautiful aunty "
Mary laughed aloud and said shut up naughty boy and pulled her hand.. Shrinu let her hand goo and looked at her with big smile.. Aunty took the spatula and started moving it inside the bowl and said.. "It's a beautiful weather outside and slightly cold also.. So i made chicken biryani for all of you to get the heat in your body and enjoy the time as you are at home also.. Understand my child " Shrinu nodded his head and said
" thank you soo much aunty.. But can i have one more favour please " Aunty smiled and said " A cup of hot black coffee am i right " Shrinu just smiled at her with big eyes and said "you are just amazing... " Okay Mr now you go to your study i will sent a cup of black coffee in few minutes ..Aunty said while putting some masala.. Shrinu nodded and said i am going ...

Shrinu entered his study wore his specs and opened his laptop and as usual shyaam had already asked about the emails and within some times file and his coffee both arrived.. He took everything and was completely busy in his work forgetting the time track... On the other side ash turned and put his legs and arms both on shrinu.. But suddenly shrinu's body felt too soft to her.. She pressed few more times and it felt like his body has turned in to bundle of cotton.. Ashu opend her eyes and saw she was alone in bed.. She rubbed her eyes again and there was no one.. Her eyes travelled to the big black click which showed 8:30 .. She looked outside and it was dark.. " Fuck how long did i slept . . But a i am still sleepy and a yawn left her mouth.. She removed her blanket and stood up and immediately a pain hit her in her legs and lower made her difficult to walk but it was better than morning still she went toward the washroom and her mama was not there.. But still she entered to get fresh and the moment she entered all those wild sex and the was she asked him to fuck her.. Came in her mind and she became completely beetroot..

Ashu get fresh and left the room in search of her mama.." Did he left for office or what but as i remember he slept with me after the shower then... " She was thinking all these when a delicious smell hit her nostrils and she immediately followed the the smell which bought her in the kitchen.. No one was there in the kitchen but few dishes were kept.. Ashu opend the lid and saw the delicious chicken biryani.. She looked up and said this is what i was craving for.
Thank you soooo much God " And looked down coverd the lid and left the kitchen
She walked toward garden and hall but he was not there and she already checked first and second floor he was not there also.. His phone and specs are also not at home...

Ashu the finally walked toward his office and opened the gate without any knock.. And she saw the most delicious, hot and amazing sight in front of her eyes.. Shrinu was completely engrossed in his laptop while slightly leaning on his chair like a king.. And that specs laying on his nose bridge made it more hot.. She slowly walk toward him and stood beside him which was still unnoticed by him.. She saw that there was quite a distance between his chair and table soo she can easily sit on his legs.... Ashu didn't even took a second and sat on his lap.. By putting her legs on both side while facing him.. Shrinu got little surprised by sudden action but a big smile crept his face seeing his baby...

Shrinu patted her head and kissed her forehead and said "why did u wake up baby.. You could have slept more " Ashu looked at him and said "noo i will sleep later.. You tell me why did you left me alone and came here " Shrinu bent his neck a little lower and held her chin up with one hand and with other he removed his specs and kissed her lips.. Both of them sucked each other lips .. Ashu tried to dominate him but as usual he won and again made her breathless.. And finally let her goo.. Ashu was all red and looking at his chest while breathing little hard.. Shrinu held her waist from one hand and pulled her more into himself..her core rubbed with his cock making it little hard.. She blushed more with this new feeling.. Shrinu held her more tight which made her feel him more down there.. She was playing with his buttons when he saidin her ear .. " You were sleeping peacefully soo i didn't want to disturbe you soo i came here to complete some work ...

Hearing his words ashu smiled at him.. And held his face and kissed her forehead due to which she moved a little and both of them felt a current passed in there body..shrinu bought his lips near her earlobe and sucked it and rubbed his lips on her neck and back of the ear and said.. " Baby can you please move.. Only if you are comfortable.. Ashu didn't even wait for a second she immediately sneaked her arms around his neck and held his hairs with her one hand and started moving her lower body.. And they both started dry humping each other.. Shrinu kept his one hand on her waist helping her to move and other hand on her boobs pressing and pinching it which sent a shiver around her body..

They kept pleasuring each other until both of them reached there climax.. Both of them hard a little fast breathing in which ashu was breathing in little more higher pace then shrinu.. Ashu kept her head on his chest and held him by closing her eyes.. Shrinu did the same he securely held her in his arms and closed his eyes.. Taking every moment of her being soo close to him by  mentally, physically , emotionally.. They remain like this for sometime ...

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