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I entered his room and locked the door.. But the whole room smelt like something is burning... I walked little toward balcony and saw him standing there holding a  burning cigarette  in his fingers and he was looking at me .....

Huhhh... You smoke...yes I answered... Always... She again asked.. No once in a while when I am frustrated and from last two days I smoked only three because of all these going on.... Does anyone no she again asked....

No none knows except you now... He said taking a puff.... Since when you got this bad habit....while smoking he answered Since college days but I am not a regular smoker.... It's just once in a while.... Do you drink also... No I don't last I drank was eleven years back.... I don't like those who drink and smoke... Accha he answered...

What is your answer about this marriage I asked.... My answer is same as you..whatever you will say will be mine answer also.... He said... Why are you forced in this marriage... If is it so then don't worry I will go down and tell them that now I don't want to marry you anymore... I asked with a horrer... Is he forced in this...

Rubbish... What the hell I can be forced.. I am luckiest person alive if I get married to her... Idiot girl of mine... I thought. I am not forced I am saying this because I don't want you to be forced... That's it. Then it's good because I like you... She said with a shy smile... And why so I asked ... I don't know I just like you.. I feel protected, respected with you...

She answered making me the happiest person do you know I love you from last seven years but I never confessed because I thought it's wrong and this age gap and we can never be together that's why... But now see my luck I finally got my love.... What the fuck he love from all these years.. Ohh my god.. Ohh my god..

Will you pamper me she asked I already do and I will definitely do till the day I am alive.. He answered you will not scold me naa like all the time you do... Nope I won't and all these I did because I can't accept someone else looking at what's mine thats it... And I am really sorry for my behavior he said making me  blush... It's okh she finally  accepted my sorry .

I also want to say that...i am a possesive person and I would never like you to share...and yes outside your bedroom I am on my knees to follow all your order....but when we step in our bedroom...i am the one who fine with this...i asked....she nodded her head saying no problem .ohh God she doesn't have any idea accepting this..she is inviting my beast....but it's great she accepted it....Come hear... She came toward me... Open your mouth... She looked at me confused.. Still slightly opened her mouth and I put cigarette inside her mouth for few minutes and instantly pulled out... She started coughing... I slightly patted her head to calm her down. I thought he will kiss me but why the hell he put cigarette... I had unshed tears in my eyes due to coughing.. Why did you do that shrinu mama... I asked him..

First stop calling me this I am your husband... And second I did this because I wanted to see this expression on your face... Because you will have this same expression when I will fuck you senselessly... This misty eyes.. Slightly open mouths and this movement of your boobs... He is such a shameless and over hear I was thinking he is not romantic..
I slightly hit his chest and said you are so shameless ... What to do... You have to deal with this all your life... And stop calling me mama... Call me by my name... He asked

No are you crazy how could I and all my sisters also doesn't do that.. Then how could I... I argued than how about chellam... Are you crazy you want me to call you this in front of everyone... Not possible.. Okh then daddy... Hunh don't I will make you say this in different situation... That you will scream only daddy... Shameless... Can I call you ennanga ....

Hearing ennanga from her mouth .. I got goosebumps... So I asked once more... Ennanga... She uttered again... Baby open your mouth and put your toung out.. She looked at me with horror... Don't worry there is no cigarette... She did and I immediately sucked her tongue... I kissed her pouring all my emotions of all these years.... I know she is breathless but I don't want to leave her... She started hitting me with her fist... Then I left her..both of us looked at each other she is all red... Uff I love this shade on her...

He roughly kissed me but it felt like bliss... It was my first kiss and it was amazing.... He snaked his aram around my waist and pulled me toward him... Baby... This is all mine... Saying this he started sliding his finger from my face... This face is mine this neck is mine.. This heart is mine This boobs are mine saying this he slightly slapped my boobs... Umm she moaned slightly ... This waist is mine I punched her slightly exposed waist.. And finally this pussy is mine.. He said cupping my pussy in his hand... Umm... I moaned due to the tingling sensation between my legs...

I felt her heat on my hand.... All over you are mine and I am yours... Got it I asked... She nodded her head saying yes.... Now you will marry me na... Nope I said playing with his shirt button.. To tease him.... I won't marry an uncle like you...
She said.. Okh just wait then I will show  you who is ucle... I pulled her more closer.... Crashing our fronts with each other.... But baby.. This uncle will be your husband... And this uncle is gonna make love to you and again this uncle will only fuck you hard raw and rough... I saw her visibly shaking slightly after hearing my words... I love this effect of mine..

And baby you tell me... Don't you also want get fucked by this uncle.. Hmm I subconsciously nodded my head.. Ohh God I didn't knew he is so shameless and can talk this dirty... But his dirty talk is making me more and more wet... I instantly pushed him and ran toward the door opened it... Atleast tell me you are ready to accept this bad man as your husband.... I nodded my head and said yes.... And dont smoke.. Next time when you feel frustrated come to me.... Saying this she ran from there...

Ohh finally I am going to get her.... I will have my happy ending... I will try my level best to keep her happy... My baby

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