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First tell me.. How come you are here that also this time and why didn't you told me.. Did you inform bava about you coming here... He asked firmly holding her waist.. Uff i came here with my college staff as a outing and i informed appa and he only helped me reach her.. Got it she asked looking at him and her hands on his chest.... Hmm he nodded his head looking at her and one hand playing with her hair strands.. When are you returning... He asked again... Today evening.. She replied... What no this is not fare i saw you after months and you want me to let you go after spending few hours with you... Which feels like seconds for me ... This is not done.. I will call your college and tell them you are staying her... Saying this he lean forward to take his phone on the table... But she held his hand and stopped him..

No don't do that day after tomorrow we will leave for village so..i have to go today.. She said looking in his eyes... They stared for few minutes and he pulled her in a tight hug she also snaked her arms around him and they hugged each other tightly... She slowly whispered near his ear... Don't worry after two weeks we are goona stay together... So only few more days and then we will be together.. They left each other and he nodded his head like a baby...

U will also come after few days... We will be going shopping together okh... He cupped her face and said okh... And staring in her eyes he asked slowly... Can i.. They stared each other like kissing each other through eyes.. She slowly nodded her head and he immediately took her lips in his mouth and sucked it hard... They closed there eyes feeling each other he kept sucking her lips.. Until she became breathless... He left her and saw her breathing hard... Breath take a deep breath.. He said.. As soon as she took two deep breaths he again held her and entered his  tongue in her mouth and tasted every corner of her mouth.. They kept exploring each other... She also tried to copy his action.... And he smiled trying her so hard.... He again took her both lips in his mouth sucked and finally let her go with a tug on her lip...

They both looked at each other and she instantly lowered her eyes... Feeling all shy... He patted her head and said.. You will learn by time how to kiss and i would love to touch you... Hearing his words she got mor shy.. And started playing with his shirt buttons... She felt something hard on her but and she tried to movie.. He firmly hold her shoulder and said don't move.. You are making it worse... She instantly understood what he mean.. And she got more red ... He lifted her chin with his forefinger and said in his dominating voice ... Baby i want you to look at me.. While i do things to you.. Understand.. Hearing him like that... She felt wetness in her pussy..

He is doing so many things without doing anything.. What will she do when he really do something... She was thinking this when he suddenly pulled her mire toward him and there chest crashed with each other ummm a groan escaped his mouth... She bite her lips hard.. Feeling his hard chest and there lower region which just now got friction due to there movement... Opening his eyes.. He looked at her and opened his few shirt buttons..
She felt hot seeing him like that... Thousands of butterflies in her stomach..

He hold her face with his one hand and kissed her forehead.. And from there he kissed her whole face and slowly get down near her neck and shoulder... She closed her eyes feeling his lips everywhere... She held his shirt tight and other hand on his hairs while he explore her neck... He keep kissing her neck and suddenly he bite the area below her hair and she moaned.. Ahhh... Smiling he said.
Got you and again bite there... Sucking the skin and licked it again... He kept his torture on and she kept moaning.. Pulling him more into him.. She tried to cover her  mouth. But he suddenly held her both hand and folded it in her back.. Holding it with one hand.... She looked at him with glossy desperate eyes... I love this look on you.... Hmm

You preety little mouth is for few things only... And one of those is  to moan loud.. When i pleasure you.. And second is.. When i fuck this mouth and u take it like a good little girl..and this is nothing there is lot more to come... Got it.. She nodded her head.. Words baby words.. Or should i fuck this mouth right now... She got more wet hearing his words.. She said.. Yes.. Got it... That's like my good girl.. Saying this.. He did his heart work on her neck and shoulder... Looking in her eyes.. He pulled out her boobies from her crop top and he stared at her again...teary eyes... Heavy breathing.. Marked neck and shoulder.. Boobs hanging out of her crop top hands tied back helplessly and she sitting on his lap...

He latched his mouth on her one nipple and held the other boobs and kneaded it roughly and his eyes looking at her face taking all pleasure... He took her boobs in his mouth as much as he can and he left her hands and she immediately hold his neck and started moving her lower body grinding on him... She look like she was in trance... One hand around her neck and one hand holding his hair.. Pushing him more into her boobs and he roughly kneading her boobs and with other hand holding her waist helping her to move... Both of them lost in intense pleasure.. And they kept dry humping each other...roughly and madly...... He picked her up in his arms and took her to sofa and they kept grinding each other..she bite his neck..ears and jaw..which was hard enough and pleasurable for him...they kept grinding Until they both cum... And she lifelessly fall on his body... She slowly looked at him and he said.... U need to eat more baby to be strong enough to take me... But dont worry... U have to take me.. And she slowly nodded her head... And they kissed each other again and they slept like that.... Her in his lap half naked and him stroking her  hair and holding her boobs....

After an hour... He opend his eyes and saw there condition... He slowly got up and lay her comfortably on sofa... He fixed her dress and coverd her properly.. Then cleaned his office and started doing his work sitting beside her... After four or five hours she opend her eyes and looked around... But seeing unfamiliar surrounding she panicked but the moment her eyes travelled back of her.. Head she calmed down.. Seeing him all serious and working wearing a specs was hot for her...

U wake up.. U should sleep more baby.. U must be tired.. He said keeping his laptop away... Hearing that she got all shy and red... He held her face and said.. I love all these colours on you.. She slowly looked at his chest and noticed lipstick marks and then she looked more up and saw he is still like that and there are few lipstick marks on his shoulder and coller and lots of bite and scratch marks on his neck which turned red... She asked him...
Why didn't u took a shower... I cleaned myself and i won't take shower... I don't want to loose these fragrance of yours from ny body... That's why  ..

Now you should get fresh.. And i will order food.. U didn't ate anything.. Go..
She got up and went to get fresh... He got up and dialed shyam.. To bring food from  mc donalds.. As he know she love McDonald's... And he cut the call..
Meanwhile maitri got fresh.. And he opened the door of his office hearing the knock... Linda stood there with mc donalds in her hand.. He took all the food and closed the door on her face... Saying thank you..

Linda was jealous and angry seeing his condition.. All those lipstick and marks were making her crazy... And on the other side.. Both of them enjoyed there food with lots of her chit chat and his teasing... They didn't knew.. When time gone soo fast... And had to leave.. The whole office was shocked seeing there sir's condition.. And the reason of his condition.. Common everyone understood what happened between them.. Ashu was soo shy.. She dare not lift her face and kept walking with his ennanga..

They sat in the car and driver took them to the hotel.. We're she is staying... He kept holding her hand tight and looking outside.. Controlling his emotions.. She understand his condition and sat on his lap.. He immediately ask the driver to pull the partion of the car and he did.. She sat on his lap and held his face near her boobs and he rubbed his face more into her holding her waist... They stayed like this.. In silent feeling each other's presence.. Until they reach hotel... Sometimes silence is way more better than words...

They got down of the car and saw everyone is already sitting in the bus.. Just teachers waiting for ashu... She said a  bye and started walking... He was still holding her hand.. So he pulled her again and hug her tight... Everyone saw this.. But they cared less... And hugged each other tight.. She patted his back and said.
We will meet after few days.. Okh
He nodded her head acknowledging her words and pushing him a little she ran and sat in the bus.... And they started..

And he kept standing there.. Until the bus left... And then he followed.. Her till the bus crossed visakhapatnam.. Without her knowledge...

That's it such a long chapter vote and comment and do try my other story

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