Chapter 10 : Love can't be ignored.

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January 12th
Taehyung POV

I was at the roof of our school with my friends. The weather was warm and peaceful. Birds chirping was to be heard. No one was there except us so it was quiet as well. I was sitting on my knees while hoseok and jimin were at the balcony looking down.

I closed my eyes in peace with myself. This was so warm and calm.

"He's so dumb." Hoseok said.

"Yeah he's of no use." Jimin agreed.

What the hell ? I can't even sit now ? They are sightseeing the view and criticizing me. These bastards needs a lesson.

Only thier back was visible cause they were at the balcony. I tried to reach my leg to hoseok's ass but i couldn't kick it.

"Look he can't even kick properly. Dumb bitch." Jimin laughed.

"Guys what the fuck ?" I yelled ran up to them only to realise they are talking about the football match that's taking place at the school field.

The game seemed so interesting when i saw Jungkook playing as well. His team was wearing their signature Black shirt with a dragon on the back while the other team was wearing a blue shirt with yellow strips.

"Who is he playing against ?" I was referring to Jungkook when i asked my friends.

"The science club is playing against Joy from The arts club. His team is very powerful. They win every match. It's probably gonna be their another win." Jimin said while his eyes was fixated on the field.

"Why ?" I asked cause i never saw science club losing.

"See for yourself." Hoseok pointed at the board which was really far away from my sight.

I squint my eyes only to see the score was 1-0. Fuck. Jungkook was losing. My breath hitched and my concentration went very hard on the match.

Loud cheering was to be heard when the ball was kicked close to the science club goalkeeper.

The score was 2-0 now.

"Guys let's go down and see the match from there." Hoseok recommend and we all agreed and ran downstairs.

When we were on the field, i got to see many students were there to see the match. The side of grandstand was filled with students cheering for both teams.

Me and my friends stood at the corner of the field cause there was no space left. I concentrated on the match again. The sun was scorching above us making us sweat pounds.

The cheerleaders were lined up on the side cheering with all their power for both of the group. One of these cheerleader was Yumi tanaka.

It was so crowded but when my eyes met Jungkook, everything seemed to slow down. He looked at me with an emotion i couldn't decipher maybe because he's far away so i can't see his face properly.

I gave him a thumbs up for good luck and he smiled.

The sound of the whistle was from the referee indicating the second half of the match of Science club Vs Arts club has begun. Everyone started shouting and cheering again.

All of us was hyped up.
The ball was on science club now and the memeber passed it to Jungkook. He was going really good. He took the ball to the Arts goalkeeper and-

Thud !

One of the member of Arts club blocked Jungkook and tackled him. Right now he was rolling on the field.

Damn, I have never been this tortured in my whole life. He kicked Jungkook but i seriously felt that pain. That was hell of a tackle.

Science club was struggling really bad on the field and so was I. I was sweating really bad. My heart stopped when an another goal was made by the Arts club.
At the end they won with 3-1 score.

"They lost. I have told you." Jimin patted my shoulder.

"Let's go to class then." Hoseok held my hand.

"No you go. I'll join you both later." I waved them and left from there.

I walked up to the person who has just lose a football match. His face looked sad and just really bad. I'm not used to seeing him sad, I've always seen him grinning and joking. I walked with him and greeted.

"Hey Jungkook." I smiled but he turned his head to look at me. But he didn't replied anything. "I think it's okay to lose sometimes." I addded trying to pamper him.

"But you still played so good. I'm all impressed." I said and sighed when i get no reply from him.

We walked silently for some time till he said something.

"Why are you so stupid ? You stayed in the sun for such a long time. Couldn't you just be at the grandstand ?" The heck. It's not about me right now.

"The grandstand was filled with students if you had eyes you could see and Whatsoever I'm not talking about myself right now." I scolded and he kept silent again.

"You don't need to care about me." He scoffed.

"How can I not ?" I protested. "My eyes are always on you."

He looked at me considering my words, his eyes goes to my lips, and then back to my eyes. He said nothing.

"Look it's okay. I have lose many times as well. When it comes to math test, i never pass but you do. You're so good at studying." That's true. He's the smartest student of his class. He always gets first rank. But I don't call him a nerd cause he don't look like one.

He's probably the most coolest nerd I've ever seen in my life.

I flooded him with compliments. He sat on the bench outside as i sat next to him bombarding him with praises. He always gets jealous when i compliments others so today I'll compliment him until he's fed up of it.

"You know you lose. Good for you. Your time will come. You know the Rabbit and slow turtle story right ? You're the slow turtle here." I motivated him.

"You're calling me a slow turtle ? Was that supposed to be a compliment ?" He asked annoyed.

"Yessss. The slow turtle won in the end. It might look like you lose but you will win for sure....Next time." I hope it destressd him. I was just here to cheer him up.

"Hm.." He said softly.

"Did you had lunch ?" I asked and he shook his head. He's probably not in the mood to talk.

"Come with me. Let's eat lunch together first." I interwined my fingers with his and walked to the cafeteria.

He wasn't in the mood for anything and stayed silent the whole lunch. I brought us some coffee and sandwiches. He with no words or thanks just bit on the food and ate. He was quiet so i did all the talking.

"Mmm..yours one is so tasty." I took a bite of his sandwich. It has the same taste as mine one but i just wanna make him happy. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Tae.." That flirtatious look was back on his face again.

"Wh...what ?"

"Thank you my baby." He said.

"I'm no one's baby."

"Damn right." He pulled my face and tightly kissed my cheek.

"You- I'm forgiving you this time." I yelled wiping my cheek. He laughed. This boy gives me a headache, a throatache and sometime even a heart ache.

"C'mere." He pulled me closer again that my head was now leaning on his shoulder as his hands wrap around my back.

"YOU PUNK." I struggled in his grip until-

"You took care of me for so long. You deserve a break. Rest on my shoulder." He's being so gentle right now. I couldn't seem to be mad at him.

"Okay. I'm sleepy anyways." I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder. I didn't understand if we're just friends or what. What i know is feel good when I'm with him. Right now i was supposed to take care of him, but instead he's taking care of me.

He pulled out his phone and played me a song so that it'd be easy to sleep with a peaceful voice. Connecting the earphones to the phone, he gently stuffed one to mine and one to his.

Leaning my head on his shoulder while sharing earphones and listening to a romantic song...I can feel love.

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