Chapter 45 : Different worlds

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May 1st

"Shit. That bitch is so sexy." It was jin who spoke.

We all were in a lively bar, gathered here mainly for Namjoon's big reveal. However, we were celebrating for no apparent reason, with the low music seeping into our souls, enhancing the intoxication.

I downed another shot, observing my friends as they flirted with the girls in the bar. These desperate bastards knew no concept of genuine love. True love isn't merely about physical attraction; it's about connecting souls.

If one wants to develop thier relationship, they should be good friends. It's the first and most important step. Without having chemistry and bonding with the person, you can't bind with them internally.

"Are you gonna tell us the reason you brought us here ?" I asked irritated. I was so drunk right now.

"Yeah. so...I love big..big.." Namjoon was drunk as fuck. He was leaning on the table, if it wasn't jin holding him, he'd fall.

"Oh c'mon. Tell us or I'm going. I don't have time for this shit." Jin yelled.

"Yeah yea.." Namjoon stood up limping and tripping over us.

"Yes what is it ?" I was eager to know.

"Cheers. Cheers." He clinked his shot with us.

"First tell us what are we cheering for ?" Jin yelled again.

"I fell in love. Not sex. Real love. With a girl or ..a lady. Man i don't want her for sex..if i could just have her as friends would be enough. She's a beauty." Namjoon smiled like an idiot.

"What's her Name ?" Jin asked.

"Soha or Soohee." I choked on my whiskey. What the fuck ?

"What happened ?" Jin said.

"What does she do ?" I asked.

"I guess.. she's a ..Oompa loompa."

"Say it hyung." I shook him but he was so drunk. He passed out.

What if he's talking about taehyung's cousin ? Damn.

Jin and I shared an eye contact and he clinked another shot with mine.

"Bro then you'll be sacrificed like Jungkook... You're done bro..Love will end you now." Jin laughed.

"Atleast two of us would be sacrificed in love... But You will be th one dying in too much pussy." I said kicking jin's leg under the table.

"Well, you don't understand. I think god has made the perfect women for me but she just hasn't met me, yet i know she exist somewhere and we'll soon meet just as god has planned." Jin said smiling.

"Hyung stop jokin-"

Ring Ring.

I pulled out my phone and taehyung was calling. It was nine PM. He usually was asleep at this time. Maybe he wanted to talk about something important.

"Oh Your wife is calling now." Jin laughed.

"How do you know he's a wife ?" I asked.

"Cause he don't look like a husband." Jin made a stupid attempt at joke and laughed on his own.

"Don't make noises for a while." I warned and picked up the phone.

[ Hey Jungkook. ] Mmm..His voice. I could listen to it all day long.

[ Are you there ?]

"Yes. What is it ?" I said.

[ What is that noise ? Where are you ?] Shit. I didn't want him to think I'm out in the bar to flirt with others.

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