𝑪𝒉. 𝟐 | 𝑩𝒐𝒙 𝑭𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓

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"What the fuck!" I yell grabbing the book off my desk and slamming it against his face.

Sometimes I really wonder what goes through his empty head when he thinks of doing stupid things like gripping onto my hair like I'm wearing a wig and pulling it with his entire force. Especially when I am just minding my own business and investing my time in getting to know men like Aaron Blackford. Men who deserve to be known.

My parents left town for tonight with Ares' parents in terms of some adult party or get-together thing. Which happens very often, meaning that I'm surrounded by him for the whole weekend. He was currently in my room meddling with me and trying to piss me off.

"Don't aim at the fucking face. You have no idea

what this bad boy does," he complains holding his right side in his palm.

"Talking of which aren't you fucking any of your petty hoes today?" I asked, raising an eyebrow with the will for him to just leave my damn room.

He leans in towards me with a huge cringy grin on his face that reaches ear to ear. His eyes plotting something evil and obnoxious.

"Are you jealous?" the question hit my lips in a warmth breath.

"Please. I just want you out of my room," I reject pushing him away from me with an eye roll.

"I love how only I can make you roll your eyes," his back straightens with a weird pride.

I stare at him with wincing eyes and a mouth half open to what he has just said. My brain was telling me to grab my shoe and just throw it at his face.

"But trust me, there's another way I can make your eyes roll. And it is way more convenient, sweetheart," his lips arched into a smirk with the suggestion.

"What do you think I am? A worker from the red light zone down the city," I annoyingly questioned to how he's always trying to put me under him.

"I don't know, are you?" he sarcastically asked.

"Can you just get out?" I yell, even more frustrated now.

God, I can't stand this guy at times. His presence is just so annoying.

"It's not like I love being around you either," his tone raised at hearing mine raise.

"Then why are you still in my room?" even my eyebrows jumped with anger on my forehead.

Honestly, knowing that we both can't stand each other, he finds ways to annoy me and be around me. It's just so intimidating. Like, fuck off. He slams the door before he leaves.


I grab my book after I fix up my room and go out on the balcony to finish reading the Wonders of Aaron Blackford. I'm a few pages in from where I left off and I hear kissing and moaning sounds.

I look across to my left and there he is. Ares. Holding one of his petty little suckers in his arms. His hands are glued to her hips which grind against him as his tongue mixes in with hers.

I see a glance of him through the corner of his eyes, where our eyes meet. I instantly turned away and leaned against the balcony, continuing to read my book, which was way more interesting than what he was doing.

I was mistaken thinking it would end there or he'd take her down to his bed. I flicked through a few more pages before her moans escalated. I looked over and she was hanging at the edge of the balcony as he fucked her. His eyes were glued to me like this was some sort of revenge.

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