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I had just finished my bicycle sets and rotated to the benches for the next set of leg workouts. This workout set contains squats and lunges. I start the sets by doing the squats listed. Everything was going fine until midway I felt a vibrated friction travel between me, causing me to fall to the floor.

"Iris, are you okay?" a classmate asks giving me a helping hand.

I feel the vibration increase as I attempted to get up on my feet again, searching for that moron. This is so embarrassing. Ares leaves the gym room with his hands in his pockets whilst I look around the class. The guys have their eyes glued to me as I struggle to keep my legs standing normally. Why couldn't this stupid one-week dare get done with?

"Sir, may I please use the restroom quickly?" I asked initiating a period cramp.

"Sure," he responded.

I try my best to make my way out of the gym without looking all funky. As soon as I step out of the gym a hand covers my mouth and I get picked up by the waist, getting carried to the back of the gym studio.

Of course, it's Ares. I'm air-kicking with my legs as he manages to throw me against the wall. His hands smash against my sides, cornering me.

"What was that for?" I frowned. "You realise how embarrassing that was for me, Ares?" my eyebrows flaunted.

"And you still manage to come dress like a slut in these short, tight, shorts to gym class every day even though Sir doesn't allow you," his head sways, annoyed by the way I was dressed.

His eyes travel down to my body. I was wearing a tight gym set. My legs were already mushed together because the vibrations were still on. Ares grew a bit closer to me, filling in the space given for breathing.

"Turn this thing off," I commanded in utmost annoyance, wanting to punch this guy.

He doesn't argue and turns it off. I take a breath of peace, leaning back onto the wall.

"I can come dressed like whatever I want, it should be nothing to you," I nudge his shoulder with mine.

I feel his presence follow behind. Suddenly, a pair of arms around me like a blanket. He was tying his jumper around my waist and hovering over my shoulder. His lips trailed delicate kisses up my neck to my ear.

"You take this off and you'll be in for another punishment, sweetheart," his raspy voice promised.

He softly bit my earlobe before getting his physical touch off of me. He walks ahead of me and into the gym studio before I do. Me being the stubborn ass, my hands touch the knot he had tied with his jumper. I stop for a split second and think about what he said.

I just need to keep myself out of trouble for a few more days, which means I have to be a little tolerant of this jerk-ass brat. I go back into the gym and finish off the activities, being carefree of Ares' existence. Even though he holds such powerful control over my body, I'm convinced he's trying to get in my pants. He couldn't be this desperate though. He always has girls around him. I'll just have to be really careful.

*Recess time*

"Hello, my lucky charm," a voice says handing me a rose.

"Hey, Leo," I smile looking to the side he was on.

He stands there with a bright smile before he takes a seat. My hands take the rose and place it on my lap, waiting for him to talk.

"Coming to my game on Friday?" he invited.

"For sure. But with pom poms in my hand cheering for the team."

"Damn, that hurt. Thought it would just be for me," he flirted with a hand holding his heart side.

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