𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟑 | 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 🌶️

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We just finished having dinner. Papa made sure that there were people hired for the cleaning and service when we were travelling and visiting the houses which was really generous of him.

Having the house cleaned and the food cooked without having to do it being jetlagged. We walk up to our room to finally get some rest after looking through the rooms and getting lost.

Iris lost her way about ten times today between rooms. I lay flat on the bed as Iris changed into a white nightdress. Her hair is open and let down.

She looks so pretty. I stare at her as she grabs her book to head over to the window. There's a large ledge at which we can sit comfortably to watch the view outside.

"Iris," I sing scooping her arms.

I sit down leaning at the outline first before she sits too. Her back is against my front and her body is between my legs. My arms are around her stomach as she opens up the book to read it. This feels better.

"Let me read the book to you," I offer grabbing it out of her hands.

"If you say so," she laughs.

My cheek meets hers as I hold her in me. This feels so sweet. Holding her like this against a window she felt the breeze.

She's up to the part where Lily and Atlas have their first date and she falls asleep in the car. He's reading one of the diary entries she brought for him and it's about their first kiss. How intense she felt when she had it with him.

"The Eiffel Tower looks so beautiful from here," she comments cutting me off looking at it.

"You know Ares, I always wondered what it would feel like being under the Eiffel Tower and reading a book. Or having someone special read a book to you around those golden lights that light up that beautiful infrastructure."

"Am I someone special?" I questioned, feeling the breeze hit both of us.

Her face turns to look at mine as I close the book and place it down. I place my hand on her stomach as she stares at me without an answer. My thumb starts caressing her softly.

I want her to tell me that I am. That I have become special to her over this trip. I want her to tell me that I'm more than just sex to her now like she is for me.

Being her husband isn't the excuse I want to use for kissing her every fourth second. The excuse I want to use is that I am someone special to her. I want to kiss her every fourth second knowing that I am someone special to this girl like she is to me.

My lips go down to kiss her and she kisses back. But her eyes deeply stare into mine questioning and searching them. As if she's trying to find out why I asked her that question. I don't know why I asked her that question but it felt like I needed to know the answer to it now.

"I don't have an answer to that question Ares," she whispers.

"Then I hope I give you an answer to that soon love," I say kissing her once more.

My heart is beating hardly right now. It just wants to leave out of me for good right now and escape away from her. It doesn't want to fall in love with her because so much guilt will come with it.

"Come on baby let's get you to bed. We have a long day tomorrow," I say picking her up and placing her down on the bed.


Me and Iris have been walking around the city hand in hand exploring shops and restaurants. Little does she know that tonight I will take her down to the Eiffel Tower with the book.

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