𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟗 | 𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈

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I'm waiting at the dinner table for her but she doesn't seem to appear. Not in 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 or even in an hour. I grab a plate of food and head to her room. The door is slightly open and the light is on. I slowly peek through it and find her asleep on her bed.

"Iris," I sigh her name in disappointment.

She's only had a few doughnuts today. I take the plate back to the kitchen and put it in the freezer along with the other food... even my plate...

What is with her honestly? I'm in deep thought before my brain finally puts the pieces together.

Now it all makes sense. Sir must've talked to her about our wedding arrangement. That must be why she's so annoyed and restless. I rub my hand to the back of my neck in distress.

How do I deal with this? The best option is to just fuck her like I've been doing for the past few months. She seems pretty pleased after all those times. Marriage is not a big deal for me. We both hate each other and can't stand each other at all. But it's all I've been hearing about since childhood.

The only thing I could care about is sex. But no girl has ever taken me better than she has. Regardless, of whether she's my wife or not, I still fuck her. I sit down on the couch and have a deep think about this whole situation. If we get married, they want us to move out into a separate house. Which would be too extreme but it's something I don't think I can convince my parents out of.

For now, I'll buy myself some time and see how I can overturn this marriage arrangement. Or I could use this to fuck this bitch in the head and mess her up.

I throw my head back on the couch and close my eyes as to how I plan to piss her off but I could only remember the time we've been on top of each other. Oh her pretty small hands sliding my belt out of my pants. Her on her knees and looking up at me like a wonder. A wild sensation travels down to my length making it hard.

"So annoying," I complain under my breath as I get up from the couch and towards her room.

As I'm reaching it I hear sobbing noises. Is she crying? I stand at the door for a few seconds to make sure I'm not hearing things but she is crying softly.

I open the door and walk up to her bed. She's crying through her sleep, turning restlessly. I sit down beside her and pat her head gently as I hold her body in one place.

"Shh, you're fine," I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

God, she takes everything to heart. I turn the lights off and lay down next to her as she still restlessly shakes. She rolls her body close to mine, holding onto the hem of my shirt in her grip. My arm secures around her shoulder whilst I stare at her.

"It hurts," she sobbed, digging herself more into my chest.

Her hand goes to pat her hair herself and brush it out. A few blinks pass and a weird pain hits my heart. She was talking about me yanking her by the hair violently. I grab her by the leg and spread her over my body so that she's comfortably cuddling me.

"It won't happen again" something in me promised before placing kisses over her hair, something I had adored the most about her at one time.

I wake up before she does and we're still in the position we were in from last night. Is this what it would be like if we were to get married? Who am I kidding, she'd probably sleep on the couch or out in the living room just to get away from my presence. But it's actually peaceful when she's lying here so quietly.

My thoughts break as she starts moving within me and slowly lifts her eyelids. Her head is thrown back on my arm a bit as she looks up to me and visions my face.

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