𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟒 | 𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚

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I'm in my room right now finishing off the Maddest Obsession. Only a few pages left until I'm officially done. My eyes are begging to close out of the extreme sleep that has been hitting me today. Allister is talking to his therapist Sasha about Gianna and Kat. How he believed Gianna and Kat were never his fate.

'I stole someone else's fate, Sasha'

He says to her. No Allister you didn't. This story is a representation of the quote I once read. The quote was,

'What is meant for you will travel around the world to find you'

When Gianna went through so many hardships and ended up with Allister who was actually meant for her. Who she was actually meant for. The way his heart glimpsed in obsession over her Gianna, at first sight, is the feeling someone would get when something is theirs. That obsession when something belongs to them and is going to someone else.

I finish off the last three sentences, closing the book. A deep sigh escapes out of my mouth. A sigh of relief after finishing that book. That ending was well deserved. I still don't think it's obsession he had with Gianna, it was rather love that he calls obsession.

I tie my hair up as I go into my bathroom to wash my face off. God, it looks so dull. I rub my facewash on my face and splash it with water afterwards leaving my eyes closed. I grab the towel from my side bench and wipe my face when I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist and a head drop down onto my shoulder. I remove the towel off my face and it's Ares.

Who am I kidding? Who else would it be? He literally even has the spare keys to our house. His arms tighten around my waist as if he's hugging me. Longing for my body in his arms.

"Happy birthday sweetheart," he wishes in his deep sleepy voice, kissing my neck.

Of course, it's my birthday. I was so caught up in my book that I forgot that it was my birthday.

"Don't call me sweetheart," I frowned turning around.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" he questions picking me up by the hips and placing me on the basin.

"Love, like Warner did to Juliet in the Shatter Me series?" he states sliding his hand under my night

dress to pull my panties off my leg.

"Or Malyshka like Allister did to Gianna," my body gets pulled closer with the whisper.

"How about Princess like Rhys calls Bridget?" his head tilts coming closer to my lips.

"Which one?" a kiss melts onto my lips so comfortably.

"Anything but sweetheart. It makes me feel like I'm one of your dirty whores you fuck," I frowned breaking the kiss.

"You are my dirty little whore that I fuck nearly every single day," he joked.

How dare he say that to me on my birthday? He's not wrong but I am no whore. He's the only guy I've fucked in my entire life. And I probably won't be fucking any other guy since my body is so bound to him.

"You're hilarious," I smile taking my hand to his member which is desperately sticking out, waiting to be released.

His hands slide me to his hips, cutting the gap. His lips crash on mine as I hold his tip in my hand, running it through my folds. It's so hard. I slide it down to my entrance and let a little bit of it in before I take it back out, sliding it through my flaps again.

He groans through the kiss pressing his hands into my hips, wanting me to just take him in. I slide it back down and push it in a bit again. A few small thrusts on the tip of my hips before I take it out placing it on me.

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