𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟐 | 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆

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Today we're getting our semester results back. Gradually we have one more left until graduation. I already know I'm topping this class per usual like I always do. The professor is walking around giving the results out to everyone.

However, when he starts walking towards me he becomes really hesitant. He places my results upside down on my desk. I pick up the paper and see that I've come...SECOND! My eyes widen and I look over to Ares. His eyes lighten up when he sees his paper.

"Class, can we congratulate Ares for topping this semester," the professor announced the heart-burning statement.

I'm left in complete shock hearing that. This is impossible. Chemistry is my strongest subject and Ares is nowhere as good as me. I scrunch up my result and dump it in my bag.

The bell for recess rings and I instantly pick up my bag and leave the class. On the way out I hear Dad talking to another professor about how he gave Ares extra marks during cross-check. And at this exact moment, I realised that it was a favour from my dad.

Though my dad was a respected professor he would never give extra marks out unless the student deserved it. He just overturned his own daughter for who, someone who isn't even family. Someone who doesn't deserve it. I felt frustrated and hurt. Why am I never good enough for him? All the hard work I've done, all those nights I've stayed up putting in that extra effort has just gone to waste just because of my own father. I'm never going to forgive him.

I walk into a spare classroom and sit down at the desk, taking a deep breath to calm myself down but nothing is working. I close my eyes to hold back these tears and the uncontrollable pain or betrayal. I can get my paper remarked. It must've been a mistake. I'm not usually in second place.

"There you are," Ares says walking in.

I look away from him. He has the biggest smile of victory plastered on his face and it's deeply burning a hole in my heart. He hisses and teases me for coming second. For having too much pride and confidence that I will never ever come second. That he'd never ever beat me.

"You really think you deserve it?" I shot with anger.

"Of course I do, I made day and night one for this

position. To beat you," he proudly jerked his shoulders.

"I worked harder than you and you damn well know that you aren't good enough compared to me," I fought back, getting up off my seat with my bag but his hand holds onto my wrist stopping me.

"It's okay," he consoled.

I snatch my wrist out of his hand and push him roughly. His tone and mood changes. His body stiffens up and his eyes rage with anger.

"Even you know that that position is not yours," I spoke taking a few steps closer to him.

"Shut up," he gritted through his teeth as a warning I should have taken.

"It's mine. It's always been mine," my voice crackles.

"I said shut up!"

"You only got this because dad cross-checked your stupid work and gave you few extra marks than me!" I revealed, letting out the poison that had entered into my heart.

"I said shut the fuck up!" he yells back raising his fist at me.

My eyes shut and flinch out of fear. His fist stays up in the air as he stares at me. Tears flow out and I softly cry for a few seconds. It never crossed my mind that he would ever raise his hand at me no matter how much he hated me. I open my eyes to find him frustrated in his own broken temper.

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