𝑪𝒉. 𝟒𝟗 | 𝑫𝒂𝒅

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*Wedding day*

"We are done," the makeup artist says finishing off my lips.

I look into the mirror and wow. The makeup is gorgeous. I have red lips, just like Ares wanted and golden eye makeup. My black hair is curled and I added a few diamond studs in it to make it stand out.

"God bless, you are the prettiest bride I have seen," Freya comments, mesmerized into me.

"I know right," Elena agrees with her.

Elena and Freya are both my bridesmaids. And frankly enough, both of them will get the chance to give the maid of honour speech. I'm really excited about Freya's speech because Elena has already read hers out to me beforehand.

She talks about all the moments between me and Ares in college and all the competitions. Our stupid fights and practically everything we have left behind.

"Where's the bouquet?" Freya asks looking around.

"I have it," a voice says from the door.

Dad. I look at him and he's dressed in a black suit and white shirt.

"Can I have a moment please?" he asks.

Both of them nod yes and leave. I stand up on my feet and turn towards him with the dress in my hands. I still need to put the heels on.

"Sit down Iris," he says, lowering me onto the seat by his hands on my shoulder.

He picks up my heels one by one and starts placing my feet in them. For the first time. Not even in my childhood did he do that. My heart feels a weird type of pain.

"It's always been my dream to place my daughter's feet in her shoes on her wedding day. I didn't realize how big they've grown. The last time I held them was when you were fresh in the maternity room," he says.

"My heart couldn't bear the pain of having to give you away because you were my first child. It's true that I've always wanted a son Iris. But only because you don't have to give sons away. The daughters always leave," his voice cracks.

He gets back on his feet after locking both my shoes. The bouquet is in his hands as he helps me get up on my feet.

"I have been unfair to you all my life when you have been the most obedient and respectful girl. My heart broke the other day after seeing you happy in Papa's arms. I realized that if only I had held you in my arms like that when I should have your heart wouldn't have been so broken."

"I hope you can...forgive me. For neglecting you. I know it's late now but I can't live forward knowing that my own daughter was deprived of the love I gave to someone else's child who in the end betrayed me."

"No Dad. He didn't betray you. He would never betray you. That's Ares. We're kids Dad. Mistakes happen. I've seen how broken his heart has been after disappointing you. It's been hell for him. Dad, forgive him. I love this guy with my entire heart," I pleaded, holding onto his hands.

He doesn't give a reply. Instead, he hands me my white flower bouquet and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. My eyes drip a few tears down my cheek.

"You have no idea how long my heart has waited for this moment, Dad," I sob.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting this long sweetheart," he apologizes wiping my tears.

And suddenly the word sweetheart has become my favorite. My dad links my arm in his as he takes me out into the venue. It's set up so beautifully.

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