𝑪𝒉. 𝟒𝟑 | 𝑶𝒘𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑

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He grabs my hand and takes me out of the office into the college campus.

"Was it him?" he questions putting me in front of a random guy.

The principal and dad follow behind and watch as he takes me in front of every guy on the campus asking the same question. I nod no at every one of his questions hoping that Leo isn't on this campus. Halfway through the campus, my feet stop.

"Leave it. I'm fine now," I say trying to get out of this.

"I don't care. We're not leaving this college today until I find that moron," he stubbornly tells.

We go through another batch of guys and then finally, I catch Leo by the eyes. He stands still with his arms crossed as he sees what's going on.

His eyes land on me and an instant smirk appears on his face. My brain starts recalling everything from yesterday and I take a deep breath. Ares notices that.

"Was it, Leo?" he questions looking from me to him with the most disgusted look he could have ever had on his face.

I don't answer as I keep my gaze on Leo. Ares cuffs my chin between his hands and roughly turns my head to face him.

"Was it him, Love?" he deeply frowns digging his eyes into me.

My head hesitantly nods yes. That's when his hand leaves mine to take his watch off his wrist.

"Ares," I call for him as he yanks towards Leo.

He pulls his arm back from me as he runs to jump on him. Everyone surrounds them and watches as he attacks him on the ground. Dad and the principal quickly head over with me through the cluster to find his fists consistently landing on his jaw which is already dripping blood.

"What went through your mind when you abused her!" Ares yells punching him.

"How dare you even think of abusing her? Not just her but how could you even raise your hand at any girl?!" his teeth gritted hard and his sharp jawline came into sight.

Dad tries pulling Ares off Leo with a bunch of other guys but he's uncontrollable. He pushes them off him as he gets back onto Leo, beating him up.

"Ares!" I yell, grabbing his arm to pull him off Leo.

He takes my hands off him but I grip them onto his muscles.

"You know damn well what will happen to you if you ever lay your hands on her again. Don't even think about laying your dirty eyes on her again!" he threatened.

He turns around to face the crowd that had gathered from the fight now.

"This is a warning to everyone. If anyone ever goes near her I will break and dust every single bone to exist in your body. She's my wife!" he exposed at the top of his lungs without fear.

The crowd gasps and starts talking amongst themselves at hearing this news. Ares looks down at me, huffing and puffing. Catching his breath.

His eyes are still full of anger. I go into his chest and wrap my arms around him, trying to calm him. His hand pulls my head out of his chest to look up to him.

"I love you too, Iris," he confessed placing a kiss on my lips in front of the entire campus.

Ares and Leo both get taken to the nurse's office. I hold Ares' clean hand whilst the other one is covered in Leo's blood.

Ares doesn't have any injuries but the nurse calls the ambulance after looking at Leo's jaw. He lays on the bed whilst I take Ares' hand and wash the blood off under the basin with soap.

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