𝑪𝒉. 𝟐𝟎 | 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 🌶️

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"I'm here with someone," I tell moving forward.

I sit down at the bar and watch out for her as she dances around slowly. She walks over after a while and takes a few shots giving me an annoyed look. I take a few after she walks back onto the dance floor.

Within seconds a tall guy approaches her. Preferably the age of 27 or 28. Disgusting. But he has his arms wrapped around her waist and she's happily swaying her hips against him.

Her hand grovels around his hard length and he lowers himself to her face, just going in for a kiss. I immediately get on my feet and pull her out of his arms before he kisses her. No one but me kisses her. That sensation should be left on her lips forever.

"She's with me," I tell pulling her away.

Her eyelids are half down, as she stumbles around with her heels.

"I think you've had way too much," she says with half-drunken eyes that can not open properly.

"No, you've had way too much. That pervert would've molested you if I didn't pull you away."

"No, you're just jealous that I'll be fucking a guy that's not you tonight. Even if you were to get on your knees I wouldn't fuck you tonight Ares."

I wouldn't need to get on my knees. She's intensely turned on and horny and I'll make sure she doesn't sleep tonight before riding me.

"We'll see about that Iris," I challenge throwing her over my shoulder and taking her back to the car.

"Leave me," she pleads throwing weak and drunk punches against my back.

Yes, I desperately wanted her to fuck me. It's the only use I can make out of her and the fact that she's the best at it compared to the hundreds of girls I've fucked is disturbing. I drive us back to my place and she refuses to get out of the car.

"You can't get back there by yourself. You'll fall on the way and get carried by an animal," I scolded at her attempt to reach out of the car.

"Doesn't matter I got carried back here by an animal too," she complains like a baby.

I pick her out of the passenger seat bridal style and take her up to my room as she cusses at me about how much of an asshole I am for dragging her out of the club since she's sexually frustrated. I place her down on the bed and she grabs my collar, pulling my face close to hers.

"You know how much I hate you, why do you keep bringing your existence to me?" the smell of alcohol burns my nostrils.

My hands wrap around her neck and pull her lips in for a passionate kiss, telling her that I hate her as much as she hates me and there's nothing special about her.

But my body can't resist her touch right now, making me kind of beg her. I break the kiss and leave the room for the kitchen to grab a bottle of alcohol and chug it down so I'm fully drunk.

I enter back into the room and a pair of clothing falls onto my face. I slide it off my forehead and it's her panties. Wet. Smelling like her addictive fluids.

"You're tempting me way too much," I tell tilting my head.

She gets on her knees and bites her lower lip. Lord, she has no idea what she does to my mind. She's driving me crazy. I place the bottle on the bedside table and head to the bathroom for a change of clothes. I leave myself only in think sweatpants and walk out.

"Come on you jerk. Let me give you one of the best times of your life," she says throwing me onto the bed.

Her legs spread wide along my hips as she crashes her lips on mine instantly. Her throbbing cunt is directly on my crotch. My hand runs up and down her thigh, as she grinds herself hard against my erection and kisses me passionately.

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