𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟖 | 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒅 🌶️

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I can already feel myself losing it. My brain cells are going crazy in my head as he works his finger along me. He frees me to take his shirt off and drag his pants down his waist and to the floor.

My body doesn't respond to me as it awaits him and him only. My brain suffers from a different decision and oh God I know he'll win again tonight. It's my ego or my stubbornness, I can't seem to figure out because I don't like losing any to this guy.

The thought that I'm just like every other girl he fucks once in a while beats me and disgusts me. Knowing that my husband isn't anything close to the ideal I wanted hurts.

His tip comes into contact with my folds and slowly runs in between them before entering into me slowly. A soft but loud moan escapes my mouth. I'm still not used to his length and thickness.

Fuck, I already feel myself clenching onto his bare length as it reaches deep and hard inside me. A bit of pain but so much pleasure travels within it. My legs get taken up to his shoulders, still spread wide when he starts thrusting into me.

Only a few seconds in and my insides feel like they'll explode. His balls run against the edges of my folds as he pounders in me with every inch of him, making me moan.

No, no. I don't need him. I hate him. I wriggle my hands in his grip, wishing for escape which I get granted.

"I hate you. I don't need you," I moaned, making him boil with frustration and anger.

"Say that again," he challenged slamming into me faster and harder.

I throw my head back into the pillow as my mouth opens for air but fails to receive some. It was like I'd suffocate to death even though his hands weren't wrapped around my neck, sexually pleasuring me. All the things he did before but he wasn't doing today.

I'm screaming his name louder and louder at each thrust, finding it impossible to humble myself. The strings of the bed expanded and squeaked whilst the headboard started banging against the wall loudly. I could feel myself about to come with the strongest orgasm and desperately wanted to.

My hand held onto his arm and my nails dug into his muscles. I couldn't bear it, he was going really rough as if he wanted to claim me all to himself.

That's how guys do it in books but I don't know about real life. Whatever it was my body loved it. Wanted it. He was ruining me more than he had ever done.

Just a bit more and he would have me destroyed at his cost. His thrusts decreased in speed but were still going hard and deep inside me, hitting my g-spot over and over again.

"Fuck," I pant out of relief, thinking he'll stop.

I was mistaken. A few slow thrusts later he slams into me again without mercy. I was at the very edge knowing I'd come any second now. He knew what he was doing to me and I hated it. I hated how I was slaved to this guy.

"Tell me that you need me," he groans hovering above my lips.

"I...don't," I gave out a little cry.

His lips meet mine, slamming harder and faster into me. My orgasm reached him instantly making his lips part away from mine. A groan escaped his mouth and my eyes were dripping with tears. My mouth cried out his name and I squirted all over his cock.

"Tell me that you need me, Iris!" He commanded again, taking me with a rougher approach this round.

"Yes, yes I do," I confessed, giving in and digging my nails into his muscles again as I finished off.

I could still feel myself eradicating heat onto him as he continued. My eyes opened and stared directly into his, panting my way for some air and calmness. He hovers over me, still having control over my body. A soft sensation was what I figured out.

He took his lips to mine again and kissed them softly this time. His hands pressed my arched back onto the bed. They felt warm and soft for the first time on me. My hands snake up to his hair, pulling his lips off mine.

A shaky breath left my throat when out glances locked. My insides were painted with his orgasm as he came in me. His body shook slightly, jerking against mine. Fuck that felt good. It was like a shot of heaven travelling through my body. It spread on my insides like a warm coating.

"Fuck, Iris," he groans under his breath finishing off with his last thrusts.

He needs me as much as I need him. Maybe more and I'll get back at him for ruining me in just a few minutes. It felt like I was in an enemies trope having hardcore and rough sex though I was. But it felt better than books, it felt real and addictive.

"Look at yourself," he proudly said, grabbing me by the neck and facing us to the mirror. "Does anyone else make you feel like this? This is the second time I've made you cry out of pleasure," he says, holding my head up.

I felt tired, sore and shakey. He's right. This night was one of the best out of all. My head throws itself onto his shoulder, turning my face to the crook of his neck.

I feel my body lifted and placed on the couch lightly. My body wasn't responding to me anymore. I needed his hands all over me again. My eyelids lift slowly after a split second as he puts me into one of his hoodies. He pecks my lips softly again and brushes the few strands of hair away from my face.

He has his sweatpants on but is shirtless. His hair was all over the place around his forehead. Fuck I'm exhausted. I take a deep loud sigh leaning back onto the couch. I still burn out heat through my hurting edges.

My legs warm in together to give myself some closure as I lean my head on the couch and close my eyes again. I admitted my need for him and he'll haunt me for it. Nothing has ever felt as good as what he made me feel today.

I feel a sticky liquid drip out of my entrance and smudge between my thighs. His come. I'm going to get pregnant. My body is trembling in this thought. How is dad going to react?

I am thinking way to ahead what I miss the chance to be pregnant this time. Well that's all I can pray for because pregnancy in this age can be terrifying. I still need to do university and get my degree and become my own self independent women.


I change the bedsheets while she leans back on the couch handling her exhausted body. Her legs shook a bit softly as if soft currents from my thrusts still ran in her. It wasn't enough.

I still felt frustrated about the fact that he had his hands around her waist, pressed her hips against his tightly though her gaze was full of disgust.

My ego was hurt. She's my wife and she's mine.

Today I couldn't bear the sight of another man on her. I might lose it next time if I see a guy breathe next to her. Or maybe I'm frustrated at what she's doing to me. Fuck I hate this girl but she's making me dig my knees into the ground as if getting me on my knees wasn't enough.

She needs me but not as desperately as I need her which fucks me up so much. Every girl has desperately needed and wanted me but her. I want to make sure she's just like every other girl I've fucked who needs me so she only desires for my presence.

I turn to the couch and she's fallen asleep. My feet stand still as my eyes stare at her with a different feeling. My heart starts to pound at the sight of her beautifully sleeping on the couch after having me destroy the fuck out of her.

I walk over and pick her up, placing her gently on the bed as if she's so delicate and would break if I wasn't careful with her.

"I hate you," I frowned, laying her down.

"I hate you too," she mumbled through her sleep turning away onto the bed from me.

I chuckle at her arrogance. Still so stubborn after confessing she needs me.

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