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"Get in the house. I won't ask again," he instructed roughly.

"I don't even understand what my dad sees in you," my eyes winced with bitterness.

"Someone who doesn't run their mouth all the time and argues about everything. Now get in," his mouth jerked with factual words.

I look at him and turn away. I really don't want to be here. I don't need to be here. Ares grabs my wrist and drags me into his house.

"I said let me go!" I yell as he throws me into the guest room.

I grab him by his collar so he's properly facing me. My hands slam against his chest giving him a little push. He grips onto my wrists again trying to control me but fails. I snatch them out of his grip and slap him right across the face.

"I'm warning you, let me be since I'm always running my fucking mouth," these hurtful words came out with a head tilt as I tried to hold back my tears.

His chest pants up and down before he comes back up to me. Fisting my hair, he pulls my neck back.

"Ow," I sigh out of pain, closing my eyes because I did not want to store the sight of Ares as an abuser.

He holds my neck firmly close to his face, holding it up so I get a close look at him. I refused to open my eyes and he waited.

"Stop acting up, Iris. You're tempting me to do something I don't want to," his words dropped onto my lips.

Something he doesn't want to. I recall the last time he railed me in the classroom at school like I was some animal. I get that he was mad but how is that fair? He fucks me when I'm supposed to be mad about the bet and fucks me when he's mad about what I said. Though, I did enjoy it... not right now.

My brain is giving my stupid and irrelevant thoughts right now because after that day he's been glaring his eyes into me. It's exactly like how it was before. Him fucking around with other girls which I couldn't care less. We both are in the competition again.

Nice whilst it lasted but this is his true face. This is his true identity. How he really is. And I don't like how he is. I will not accept how he is for the sake of a stupid marriage. He throws me out of his grip but I don't budge. I attempt to escape again but I fail.

"That's it," he says getting ahead of me and locking the door from outside.

What the actual fuck is wrong with this man? We both know we cannot stand each other and he still won't let me go.

"Ares let me out. I swear to God I will beat your ass," I yell through the door as I consistently bang.

It's like he's left the house or gone deaf. It's so quiet outside but I don't stop banging on the door. A while later the door opens and he walks in with ropes.

"What are you doing?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

He doesn't utter a word and forcefully takes me to the chair and sits me down. He places my hand on the sill of the chair and starts tying it tightly with the rope.

"Ares what the fuck, let me go right now or else-" I start to threaten but he doesn't budge.

He doesn't pay attention to anything I am saying as he ties my other arm and legs to the chair. He gets up and closes the blinds of the room so that no one near us can see.

"You cunning asshole," I cuss before he smashes his lips onto mine.

His hand cups my neck and holds it still as he kisses them roughly. My words are muffled as he continues to kiss me harder and doesn't stop until I give up on speaking. All I wanted was for him to get his dirty lips off me which he doesn't do for a while.

I stare at him with anger when he pulls apart, holding back tears. He presses my cheeks inwards to my face in his palm tightly so he can stare directly into my eyes.

"This is exactly what I mean. You run your mouth too much. Maybe if you didn't you would've had a normal relationship with your fucking parents," Ares purposely drags this dagger into my heart.

He throws my face to the side and leaves the room, locking it from outside in case I find a way to escape.

"I said let me go!" I scream. "I don't want to be around you. I fucking hate you!" I scream starting to cry.

And at this exact moment, I felt an extreme panic attack approaching my body. My lungs start feeling tight for any particle of oxygen to pass through freely and calmly.

My body started to shake and heat up. I throw my head back trying to relax myself but my breathing just gets worse. My head falls back to the front and tears drop onto my lap.

"Ares," I lowly scream, failing to speak.

His words repeat in my head.

'Maybe if you didn't run that mouth of yours as much you would've had a good relationship with your parents'.

Fuck that hurt. It was all I ever wanted and he was someone who easily got this good child-parent relationship that I had always starved for. My body starts shaking even more as I cry a bit louder, not being able to catch my breath.

*A few hours later*

My body is numb from the heat and shaking. But I still feel hurt. This is exactly why I didn't want to be around him. He would've pulled my last straw. My eyes are barely struggling to open since they've been drenched in tears. I could only wish to have someone who deeply cares for me here right now. But there was no one.

I hear the door unlock through my thoughts, but I keep my head down. The light flicks on as steps approach you.

"It's dinner time," Ares says kneeling beside the chair but I don't give a response.

He unties my arm and legs from the chair which I instantly take as an opportunity and get up quickly. I'm a few steps on my feet when I stumble upon my weakness and fall to the ground. Ares' arms secure around my shoulders from the back as he catches me on the floor. I push him away from me and hold my hand up, gesturing for him to stop.

"Get away from me," I frown softly, sitting on the floor.

I slide myself across the floor a bit before I get back up on my two feet and head to the bathroom. He stands there watching me, confused. Please just leave right now. I don't want to verbally say it to him but I hope he just leaves. I don't want him around me.

I wash my face and head out into the room. Ares left the room. Good. I didn't want to see him. My body falls onto the bed. The mattress is softer than the one at my house I have. I toss and turn side to side overthinking and burning my cheeks on how I'm going to get out of this mess. Through all that I don't even realise when I fall asleep.

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