𝑪𝒉. 𝟓𝟎 | 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚

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"What the fuck are you doing Ares!" I yell holding onto my stomach as my water breaks.

"I'm getting the bag Iris," he panics coming out of the nursery to take me to his car.

The contractions are getting worse. Ares gives my mum a call as he seats me in the passenger seat. It's so chaotic right now and painful. I can't take this. He gives me his hand as he drives with one to hold onto.

I feel my hand pressing into his with my entire force. What's worse is that I feel my entire energy leaving my body. Mum and Dad follow on behind in their car after I get admitted into the maternity ward.

"Iris, you'll be fine. Take a deep breath," Ares tries comforting as he pats my head.

"She'll be ready to push out any second," the male doctor says looking at her.

"I want a female doctor," Ares argues.

"You douchebag, I'm going into labour and you're so concerned about the male doctor," I screamed in the unbearable pain.

I can't believe him. I need to push these watermelons out of me as soon as possible or I'll die.

"Nope, I don't want any man looking at you bare," he argues.

"I fucking hate you!" I remind him after a while.

The doctor exchanges with a female doctor and Ares is calm now. I swear, as soon as I'm done with labour I'm going to beat the shit out of him with a broom. The doctor places a blanket over my hips and spreads my legs wide open.

"The head's already coming out," she lets the nurses know who is preparing for the deliveries as well.

"Start pushing," she says.

I have been pushing. My body gives a slight push and I can't take it. This is so painful. I feel so much pain with this slight push.

"Love, you can do this," Ares whispers holding my hand tight.

"I can't," I nod as a tear falls out of my eye.

After a few seconds of rest, the doctor tells me to give another push. This time I try to go with a harder push so that at least the head can come out. My screams echo throughout the room as my body gives a hard and long push. I feel myself opening up wider and wider.

"The head's out," the doctor lets me know.

I take a few more breaths to rest and then push again. The pushes get harder and harder as I feel myself losing my energy. As soon as the first baby is out I'm on the verge of passing out dramatically. I lay my head back on the pillow getting some air.

"Congratulations it's a girl," the nurse says wrapping my crying baby.

"Did you hear that, Love? It's a girl. A mini you," Ares happily says placing a kiss on my lips.

"Argh!" I scream as I feel the second baby at the edge.

I don't think I'll make it through this one, but I give it my all. Whatever I have left I give it my all. This birth was smoother than the last one but I salute those who have so many kids.

Like women who go through labour twice and thrice after experiencing this near-death pain. I felt everything in my body breaking apart, from my bones to my spine. It was as if my muscles were filling up with air like balloons against my skin and my vagina practically getting destroyed.

"A boy. It's a boy," the doctor says as she holds the second baby.

"A mini Ares," I breathe as I throw my head back closing my eyes.

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