𝑪𝒉. 𝟐𝟕 | 𝑴𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆

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We're in Papa's office right now signing the property papers. This time, Ares made sure they had my name on them too. He wants the property to be 50/50 between me and him since I'm his wife now.

A part of me doesn't understand why he's doing that. He really doesn't have to. We're in it for the sex. I have no idea where our lives are going to take us. This property is huge. And when I say huge I mean huge.

Ares is not just inheriting this house, but a few other mansions along this one, with acres of land, hundreds of cars and billions of cash. Making me 50% partnership of all this is just giving me anxiety. How long are we going to stay together for the sex? Sex can be found anywhere and everywhere.

Especially when he's a guy who's thrown a girl out one by one and fucked so many girls. He can throw me out any moment too. Well at least I can come live here, I laugh in my head.

We head over to the showroom and OH MY GOD! I kid you, not this isn't a showroom. It's bigger than a showroom. All these fancy luxurious cars are lined up beside each other.

I'm walking down seeing them one by one but they never end. Then we move down to the motorbikes and THEY ARE SO DAMN SEXY. Each and every one of them is built differently. I run my finger down one feeling the hard cold steel on my finger.

"I want to ride this motorbike," I spoke admiring this beauty.

"Why not me?" Ares flirted like a jealous boyfriend.

Please my guy Papa is right here have some shame. I smack my hand on my face looking at him with the I will kill you.

"Shut up Ares," I smack him lightly on the arm.

"You guys can take it for a ride," Papa says handing Ares the keys.

"Get on, love," he says starting it.

Love. I felt my heart tingle hearing that. It took a pause to admire the lips that called me out saying love. Don't do this to me is what my brain says. I hesitantly walk and spread my legs over the seat behind him. I wear my helmet clipping it in.

"Don't let go of me," he whispered.

"I won't," I whisper back wrapping my hands tightly around him.

I place my head on his shoulder and he drives it out of the showroom. We slide down the path out of the mansion and onto the road. It's a quiet ride the entire way to wherever he is taking me but I hear the chatters of Hungarian people on the way. Their language. It's all so romantic somehow.

I feel the breeze run against us. My clothes are flying against me as we uncover every mile. He drives the motorbike around to this silent but huge building, stopping it. I let go of him and take my helmet off. It's and megalithic structure. Built so beautifully with a marble design.

"Beautiful," my eyes took the time to admire the megalithic structure.

"It is," his voice followed behind with a small painful exhale.

I look over to him and he's staring at me. His eyes are intensely focused on me right now. My soul feels pulled by his right now and my mind is lost for words feeling a spark in my heart. Whatever it is oh boy it is not good news. This new spark he's lighting up in me is different.

"Let's take a look around it," he says, breaking the silence between us.

We start walking into it and oh my.

"It's so big," I yell and my voice echoes.

"What about me?" Ares smirks pulling me into his arms.

"Please," I roll my eyes, escaping out of his warmth to walk forward.

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