𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟕 | 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒍

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"I and your mother have decided that you get married to Ares," my dad says.

Ares! Seriously? That delinquent looks like a lizard who sinfully escaped from the zoo after eating so many insects. They must not be in their correct minds if they think I will ever say yes to this stupid decision of my dad's. How did I not see this coming? He's crazy obsessed with Ares since I wasn't a son and my mother couldn't get pregnant after me.

"Dad, I refuse to marry Ares," I reject standing up from the couch.

"We're not asking you. We are telling you that it's final," a cold and rough tone approaches me from him.

"Iris, it's the best for you. We will know that you're in safe hands. He's been around us for his entire lifetime-" my mum starts justifying like I could be so interested in the fact that he is always glued to my dad as his so-called son.

A feeling of frustration hits me. I can't stand Ares. I decided the day my dad chose him over me that I would find a man worthy enough and so respectable towards daughters as equally as they would be for a son. Then I would run away with him, away from this gender-stereotypical culture of mine. Ares is a walking painful reminder that my dad is not proud of me solely because I'm a girl.

"No!" I yell. "I said I will not marry him and no means-"

A hard slap cuts me off.

"You shameless girl. How dare you speak against your parents?" he yells as I hold my burning cheek.

He takes a step forward to hit me again but mum stops him, holding him back by his shoulder. I instantly leave the living room and run upstairs to my room, locking the door and falling flat onto my bed.

My face buries into my pillow as a stream of tears flows out of my eyes. I don't want to marry him. I want to be free and happy. As long as Ares or even his shadow is near me that wouldn't happen.

A while goes by after I get off my bed and walk up to my balcony, feeling the cold breeze hit my heated body. I close my eyes and fold my arms to my chest as I think about everything that just happened.

Cold tears fall from my cheeks to my chin and then onto my neck. My body shook a little with anxiety and frustration because I knew I had no way out of this. Even though Ares hates me he would say yes just for the sake of keeping his superior son's reputation in front of my father. Marriage was nothing for him.


I sit silently in the back seat fidgeting with my hands whilst Ares sits in the passenger seat and my dad drives us to college. Every time my eyes travel up to the mirror ahead I find Ares's eyes glued to me with frustration and anger. Maybe his ears have finally heard about our wedding arrangement. I don't see a reason why he'd be so fond of it.

The first period went by slowly, it was like calculations in physics would never finish. It was a consistent cycle of solving the never-ending questions handed to us.

I was heading straight to my chemistry period through the corridor when I bumped into him. His hands were in his pocket as he stood firm glaring at me. What kind of a joke is this? I roll my eyes and walk into class taking my seat. Funny how he hasn't started shit yet. It's like a daily routine for him.

The first half of the day is surrounded by Ares' shit, and the second half by my dad's. Throughout the whole lesson, his eyes stayed around me which caused a rise in my anxiety levels.

I really couldn't think straight anymore. All I could do was wait for the bell for recess so I could get away from him and the thought that every time my dad slaps me it's because of this bastard. Recess happens.

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