𝑪𝒉. 𝟒𝟕 | 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈

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"Did you send out the invitation to Freya and Fabian? And papa?" Iris stresses as she eats her fruits on her bed.

"Yes, love. Papa will definitely come and Freya and Fabian will too soon," I tell sitting down next to her.

I grab the fork and stab it into the pieces of fruit to feed her. Her bump has gotten bigger over time too and she's always making trips to the bathroom to urinate.

It's also very painful for her to sleep on her side which makes her really frustrated at times. We can also say her mood changes have been alternating over time like the amplitude of a sine equation. It's scary but we only have three months left until we see our babies.

"I'm going to head over and give an invitation to sir and aunt," I tell brushing her hair with my fingers.

Mum suggested we stay over at theirs since I have work and so that she can monitor Iris with the pregnancy. So we've been here for a while. Iris' face drops as she hears that I'm going to head over and give the invite.

The last time sir talked to us was at graduation. Matter of fact, he didn't talk to us at all. All we had was our graduation photo. Aunt often comes to visit but I know how much Iris craves the presence and support of her dad.

I hope things get better for her soon, especially with her dad. It's heartbreaking for her to go through her first pregnancy without the support and acceptance of the most important man in her life.

I head over to Uncle's house after placing a kiss on her forehead and assuring her that I would be fine. He's in his study right now and aunt follows behind me with a cup of coffee for him. She places it on his table and I stand by his table. He looks up from his papers and then looks back down.

"Sir," I call out but he ignores me.

"Iris and I would love to see you there," I spoke, sliding the wedding card on his table.

"I'm not coming," he stubbornly responds in a cold voice after seeing the wedding card from the corner of his eyes.

"Sir, please. That's your only daughter and child," I begged for the sake of her.

"A shameless daughter," he corrects, hurting my ego.

"She's not shameless sir," I argue back in a cold tone.

I take a deep breath before I say anything else. I have to be calm so that there is no fight between us.

"She's always dreamt of this moment. Of her dad walking her down the aisle, arm in arm with a bouquet of flowers in her hand," I told hoping it'd affect him.

"I've always dreamt of having a decent child who wouldn't be shameless enough to get pregnant before her marriage," he gasps out before putting the papers in the folder.

"It wasn't her fault. It was mine," the words smoothly slid over my tongue.

"Damn well, it was. It take two to do what you both did," he scoffs standing up from his seat to leave.

"No sir. It only took one to do that," I clarified.

He scoffs as he heads towards the door whilst I stand looking at the black wall behind the table.

"Iris always made sure of her interactions with others, especially with guys. She always made sure of what she did so that nothing hurt your reputation. She's given up everything just for the sake of your happiness and to attain your love."

"It was me. Between jealousy and competition I was so driven that one of the guys from college made a bet.." my voice slows down when his eyes focus on what I was saying.

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