𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟗 | 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒊 𝑺𝒌𝒊𝒓𝒕 🌶️

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College started again today and Elena and the cheerleading team girls have already planned out a girl's night in the city at a club. We just had a party nearly a week ago which by the way did not end things well for me and Ares.

I've been walking around the house mad at him whatsoever. He's trying to coax me but my mood swings and emotional behaviour these days are just not letting him have his way.

We haven't even fucked for an entire week or kissed. Not that that's what we are based around but that's something that really connects us I feel. Especially the kisses, I feel so much through his kisses. I have sat down so many times in the past week on the couch as I think of our time in Paris and all the other countries together.

He goes to work after college for about 4 hours and then when he comes home he's tired and then there's my attitude. I hate myself for giving it to him but I want his entire attention like I had back when we were newly married. I'm in the room getting ready for the night out when Ares walks in through the door. He just came back from work.

"Where are you going?" he asked, looking me up and down.

"You don't need to know," I stubbornly answered.

Why can't he just mind his own business? Oh, I forgot, he doesn't have his own business.

"Change," was the next word he said in his cold musky and unforgiving voice.

"No," I interject continuing to do my makeup.

I'm dressed in a black miniskirt and a hot pink strapless crop top.

"I won't repeat myself, Iris. Get changed or you're not going," he argues but I continue to  ignore him.

The reflection of the mirror shows him locking the door before he starts unbuttoning his shirt. I feel my heart starting to thump but play it off cool.

He slides his belt which holds his pants on his hips and throws it to the floor. Ares grabs me by the neck and throws me onto the bed as he hovers over me.

"The fuck, Ares!" I yell attempting to push him off me.

"I asked you nicely but you didn't listen. So now you won't be leaving the room," his eyes angrily winced, giving me a warning that he was not in the mood for games or any fighting bullshit.

"I will," I argue back attempting to get up but he pushes me back onto the bed.

Ares spreads my legs wide and flips my skirt onto my stomach. My legs consistently move for freedom but he pins them down to the mattress.

He rips my panties off, leaving my lower half bare. He slides them under me and throws them onto the floor. His hand cuffed my chin and holds it firmly to his face.

"Fuck you," I mumbled, glaring at him.

"Is that all you have to say?" his eyebrows raised.

I take a deep sigh as his hand leaves my face. I roll my eyes, repeating myself. Before I could finish, I felt a warm breath drop down there. My eyes widen and before I can say anything he digs his mouth into me.

Fuck! I'm mad at him but the fluids inside me already start gushing. I feel myself intensely burning by just his touch. I let out a few deep breaths.

His lips run up and down between my folds a few times before he pulls his head out to look at me. I open my eyes and find a smirk on his face.

"Nothing to say anymore. I see," he proudly ended his demo.

"I'm going to go!" I frustratedly argue bringing my feet up to his shoulders to push him away.

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