𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟕 | 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈

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"Finally, I don't have to cover your mouth whilst fucking you in our bedrooms," he screams through the apartment we have shifted in this weekend.

"Oh God calm down Ares," I bawl my eyes out.

He sits down on the couch resting after setting up the entire living room. I'm starting to feel the weird burn in my throat and chest again. I head down to the bathroom as I feel that I'm about to throw up because I do throw up behind the closed door.

What is happening to me? I think it's probably because of the travelling. I brush my teeth and head out of the bathroom into our living area. Ares was in the kitchen making us coffee. I sit down on the couch and throw my head back, closing my eyes.

"Are you tired?" he asks as he sits down next to me.

"A bit," I reply in a lower voice.

"Here have some coffee," he says handing me my cup.

I take it in my hand and start drinking it whilst he turns the tally on to watch a movie. I drink half my cup before I place it down on the table, feeling a burn in my chest again.

My body relaxes on the couch again, not realizing when I fall asleep because the next time my eyes open is in the middle of the night.

I feel like I need to throw up again. With the little energy I have, I drag my body out of bed and run to the toilet as I gag my intestines out into it. Fuck my stomach is paining so much and my eyes start to burn. I think Ares heard me.

"Iris, are you okay?" he asks kneeling down to me, rubbing my back.

I grab some tissues to wipe my mouth as tears flow out of my eyes out of the pain.

"No," I cried at the very painful state of my stomach.

He helps me up to the sink so I can rinse my mouth because my eyes are heavy from sleep and my body temperature feels so warm. All I'm doing right now is crying out of the pain I'm feeling due to the burning in my stomach.

Ares goes out into the kitchen to get me some medicine and a glass of water. I sit on the bed and take it as he pats my head and moves my hair out of the way.

"Do you need anything else?" he questions wiping my tears.

I nod no as he places the glass of water on the table. He gets in bed with me as he holds me close to his chest. His finger runs circles behind my back as he holds my face with his hand whilst it lays on his chest.


"Do you feel better? Or do we need to go visit the doctor?" he asks as I finish my breakfast.

"I'm better now. I think it's because of the travelling," I tell.

"Anyways, I have to tell you something," he starts.

"What?" I ask.

"I got a job as a dental assistant at the dentist nearby," he tells.

That's so good. I get up to hug him and place a kiss on his lips to congratulate him. He'd finally a big boy. Taking his responsibilities on his shoulders. Then I roll my eyes and sit back down at the table.

"What's with your mood these days?" he asks.

"Nothing Ares, just stop annoying me," I tell getting up off the table.

"Okay... Anyways, there's a party tonight at the resort from our colleagues," he added.

"Yeh whatever, we'll go," I say ending the conversation.

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