𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟐 | 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒚𝒆

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Iris wants to go with Papa in his car so we all go in the same car. She sits in the back seat with him as I sit in the passenger seat at the front. I watch as she cutely entertains Papa with her little childish hand games.

"Papa I won!" she yells as she gets a catch of his thumb.

Papa laughs knowing that he let her win on purpose just to see her smile. Iris calms down and rests her head on his shoulder after a while of laughing and playing like a little girl.

"What's wrong daughter?" Papa asks brushing her face.

"I don't want to leave you," she sadly says holding onto his arm.

"Sir, we're here," the driver says exactly after two

seconds of her saying that.

The timing is so bad for this I swear. Iris holds onto his arm tighter as Papa laughs comforting her. But she's grown so attached that tears start rolling down her eyes.

"Iris, don't cry," I say looking back at her.

"I don't want to leave him. He's the sweetest soul I've met," she whines.

Tears run down her cheeks as she looks at Papa. Papa holds his tears back but I know he won't be able to see her cry.

"Iris I don't want you to leave either. I wish I could keep you both here with me," he says, wiping her tears.

"Why can't you?" she questions.

"Darling it's not safe here for you both. And your lives are very valuable to me," he expresses. "After all you both need to make me a great grandfather," he teased further to create a warmer air.

But nothing is making Iris make feel better. This is the most emotional I've seen Iris.

"Papa, I really don't want to leave you," she cries.

"I will be seeing you again," he tells.

We all get out of the car when Iris goes to the other one to grab something out of it. It's the wrapped frame she got for Papa as a gift.

"Papa, this is a gift from us for you," her voice crackles handing it over to him.

I wrap my arm around Iris' shoulder for comfort as she tries holding her tears back. Her nose has turned red out of crying.

"It's okay baby," I whisper brushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear.

Papa is unwrapping the frame and his eyes shed tears as soon as he views what the photo is. His hands wipe the tears off his eyes but they can't stop running down.

"This girl is so precious. You better keep her," Papa cries.

I go over to look at the photo and it's the photo before we were going to the ball. Where me and Iris are kissing Papa's cheek from each side.

"This is the best gift someone has ever given to me," he smiles.

Iris bursts into tears again this time, sniffing now. She's verbally crying now as she dumps her head in Papa's chest. God, she's actually so delicate and precious.

"I'm going to add this at the top of my collection. In my room, so I can look at it every day and thank God for sending a girl like you my way at this age," he says.

"I don't want to leave you, Papa," she sobs wiping her tears.

It's so heartbreaking to see her like this. If only sir loved her like this. I don't blame her at all. She deserves the entire world. She's been wronged by the man who was supposed to show her how she should've been loved. Papa takes a ring off his finger and hands it over to Iris.

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