𝑪𝒉. 𝟐𝟓 | 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚

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We just got off at the airport in Hungary. My grandad lives here and has his official mafia business down here.

"We'll be staying here for about three days," I tell Iris.

She seems so exhausted. Why wouldn't she be? I've been working her ever since we left. Crazy sex drive I say. My grandad has sent a car with a driver for us to personally receive us. It's a bit of a ride to the place. Iris' head is lurking in the air as her eyelids close, begging for some rest.

I grab her head in my hand and place it on my shoulder, locking my hand in hers. I brush her hair behind her ear so that it doesn't annoy her before I take my phone out to scroll on my social media.

It's so beautiful and rich here. The infrastructure and streets are giving off ancient Roman times. I don't even know the language here. But hearing everyone speak it just makes it sound unique and expensive. Yes, this language sounds expensive. Iris would love this place when she wakes up.

It's a romantic luxury but where we are residing it's probably the place where she's connected it with her mafia romances. She's connecting everything with her book fantasies. Which isn't a bad thing because the mafia romances dominantly have the best sex compared to any other fanfiction trope. Oh and enemies to lovers trope.

We finally arrive at our destination and this house is bigger than the last one. My grandad probably has the biggest houses here for us. And yes I mean houses. I was shocked when I found out my mum is the daughter of a well-known mafia in Hungary who has his set up all around him.

"Iris," I quietly whisper patting her face to wake her up.

"Mhm," she whines wanting to sleep a bit more.

My hand cups the edge of her face as my thumb caresses her cheek. She's so beautiful. Her skin is so soft. Just like a newborn baby's.

"We're here, love," I tell.

Love. My eyes widen at calling her that. It just slipped out of my mouth. My brain was so concentrated on her that I didn't realize what I was going to say.

"Did you just call me love?" she questions adjusting her head on my shoulder so she can look up to me.

"I said sweetheart," I lied.

"My brain is probably messing with me," she slowly says, gathering her consciousness.

My eyes fall onto her lips which are curved into a soft smile. I can not resist it. My lips go down to her and leave a soft peck. Her lips widen into a bigger smile. She wants another one. I peck her lips again. And again.

"Come on let's go," I break the moment, unwantedly.

We both get out of the car and view the house. Iris' eyes are stunned.

"This is bigger than the last one," she gasps.

There's a huge staircase leading to the actual house and she sighs seeing it.

"I don't want to climb these stairs," she complains fighting a yawn.

"I'll carry you," I offer scooping her into my arms.

I pick her up bridal style and start stepping onto the stairs. Her head is placed on my shoulder not uttering a word. Her finger trails up my shirt to my throat. She runs it up and down, slowly on my Adam's apple. God are these stairs of a mountain, they just don't seem to finish.

"Here we are," I say placing her down on her feet.

There are so many people working around the entrance along with numerous bodyguards. Iris' steps slow down behind mine as she looks around at every detail with her mouth wide open.

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