𝑪𝒉. 𝟒𝟔 | 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

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"Why are you both keeping this!?" Dad frustratedly yells making me flinch.

"Dan, relax," Uncle says going over to Dad.

"That child is a sin," Dad moves forward.

"No child is a sin Dan and if you can not be happy in our daughter's happiness then leave," Uncle argues.

"Let's go," he instructs looking at Mum but she hesitates.

"I want to stay here with my daughter for a while," she finally spoke up.

My eyes widen at hearing those words. My mum has never opposed or spoken against my dad. My dad frustratedly leaves out of the house as my mum comes in for a hug.

"Iris," she cries.

"Mum," I sob back.

I have been dying to feel my mother's arms around me. I have been dying to speak to her. She places a kiss on my forehead wiping my tears like she normally does when I cry.

"We're glad you decided to keep the child," Aunt says coming in to give me a kiss too.

"Actually, we also have one more thing to tell you both," Ares starts as he pulls me away from both mum and aunt by the hand.

"Do you want to tell them?" he smiles taking me into his arms.

"We're having twins," I tell taking out the ultrasound scans from my bag.

Everyone is left shocked out of happiness. They all come to us at once congratulating us as they take a look at the scan. Ares excitedly explains where the heartbeats and everything is forgetting that they are our parents. They had us and they already probably knew where everything was.

*A few hours later*

Me and Ares are lying in bed together, cuddling and talking about our babies.

"Even your sperms are stubborn. The second one had to get in," I joked, knowing it didn't work like that.

"You can say they love you as much as I do," he sarcastically responded raising his eyebrows.

"We're keeping the genders hidden though. I want it to be a surprise," I strictly let him know.

"Whatever and however you like it, my love," he agrees placing a kiss on my lips.

I'm so lucky to have this man with me. I emailed my cheerleader co about my decision to leave cheerleading. Just one more month in college and then we're graduated.

Then we'll have our wedding which I have to tell Papa, Freya and Fabian about too. All of this is making me feel like I'm living my dream. Not a perfect fairytale but a lovely fairytale.


The month passed by quickly and I could finally see my baby bump growing. It's huge now and I've managed to hide it using hoodies and sweatshirts at school. Ares has also been doing a good job of taking care of me, my mood swings and the babies.

He's extra cautious with everything. Doesn't let me climb stairs very often, makes sure I eat properly. And healthy. I've been on fruity smoothies and the amount of vegetables I've eaten. Sometimes we stay over at his house rather than ours.

"Iris, did you eat?" he asks walking up to me from our chemistry teacher.

"I did babe. Relax," I frown under my breath.

This is what I mean. He worries too much. He takes me into his arms as he places a playful kiss on my cheeks. We have our graduation certificates in our hands.

We're done with college. Now we have our gap year in which we have decided to settle down with our babies. Then hopefully we will start our university studies together.

"Ares and Iris," we get called over.

Most of the teachers have adored us since the day Ares publicly announced that we were married. Every teacher has been hung over the college sweethearts phase.

They have teased us and encouraged us. Helped us grow. They have called us over for the photos they will show to their future students with the label, college sweethearts.

One by one as we are done with the photos, my dad is there at the end watching us from a distance. He comes over and for the sake of people takes a photo with us.

At least we'll have a core memory of this. He doesn't utter a word to us. He just takes the photo and leaves which saddens me.

"It's okay. How long will he be mad at us?" Ares comforts rubbing my arm.

I give a small discouraging smile. The event is over now. People are starting to go and leave. Aunt and uncle are also here.

"We thought, in celebration of you both graduating, why don't we have a night out as a family," Aunt says.

"Why not?" I excitedly say.

"You'll get tired baby," Ares interferes with a whine.

"Shut up," I scolded with a death look.

He's right. I will get tired easily but that doesn't mean we don't go out.

"What are you for? You can carry her back," uncle laughs.

Exactly. He can carry me back like he always does. It's not like we're walking there so we're all good. We can also have a four-month maternity shoot. That would be fun.

After we head back home I rest for a bit because Ares doesn't let me do anything. He has a shift to do and in the meantime, he gives me this disc to play. It's about maternity feelings and everything.

I think I already know everything about it because I'm experienced in carrying two children. Sometimes it's so hard to get out of bed. It's like having to grow watermelons attached to you.

The disc is so boring that I literally fall asleep while watching it. Ares does me the favour of waking me up, literally half an hour before we have to leave for the dining place. Even though he got back home 2 hours ago he wanted me to 'rest'. So considerate.

I dress myself in a baby pink knee-length dress and leave my hair down. Because if they're tied then I'd be annoyed. I do some light makeup before we both head out into the car.

"Now listen to me. Don't walk around without telling me. You'll get lost. And if there are stairs don't you dare put up a fight with yourself. Stay seated in your seat and tell me if you need anything. Also, be careful of your surroundings," he lectured specifically.

"Ares. Relax," I tell holding his hand.

Before we enter into the dining restaurant there's a lookout near it with a beautiful view of the towns which we can use as a backdrop.

"Photos first," I say.

"No, you haven't eaten since lunch. Food first," he argues.

"It's only going to take a few minutes," I wine holding onto his hand like a kid.

Even aunt agrees with me. All four of us head over to the lookout and my lord it is so beautiful. The lights are shining bright and I can even see the roadways from here.

Ares places his hand on the bump whilst the other goes around my back for the photo pose. Then he places his lips on mine for the next. We do a few other cute poses.

"You are so beautiful, Love," he whispers as we pose for a look into each other's eyes.

My lips curve into a happy smile and I can feel it reaching ear to ear. I smash my face onto his chest as I blush at what he says. Then I feel a kiss on my forehead which sends butterflies to my head.

If only mum and dad were also here. This moment would have been beyond perfect with them. Especially dad.

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