𝑪𝒉. 𝟐𝟏 | 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈

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TW: Sexual Assault ⚠️

Fuck what is this pain? My eyes open roughly as I feel a massive headache and very sore thighs. I look to my side and find Ares asleep, naked. My dress is on the floor with his sweatpants.

I'M NAKED! Fuck not again. I can't believe I let this guy fuck me again. I hold my head and wince in pain as I try to remember last night but I couldn't. All I remember is him pulling me out of the club. I hold the white sheet to my chest as I sit up slowly.

I can't move my thighs. Must've been amazing, he's left me disabled I think. He slowly moves around on the bed and I stare at him. My heart boils. I just can't stand this guy but he takes my mind from me when it comes to sex.

Right now I can not feel my legs or even move them.  I try to get off the bed but my legs are so numb. I grab onto the side table for support but instead, my hand knocks over his phone.

"Dumbass," I hear him whine.

I squish my eyes as I turn back to the bed. He's holding his head roughly as he sits up on the bed. He was drunk too? I remember him being sober before we got home and no signs of being drunk.

"Aww, you seem a bit mad. Is it because I was the one who ended up fucking you last night?" he teases already.

"Give me a break. We were drunk," I sighed.

"You sound so disappointed," he picks up from my tone.

"I was looking forward to having some nice hardcore sex with someone who actually knows how to please a woman," my head swayed side to side.

He rolls his eyes and gets out of bed to put his boxers on. His back. There are heaps of scratches. Fuck! He's going to mock me if he sees them. Which he picked on as well. Why are you staring at my back like that? He goes into the mirror and looks at his back.

"Worst sex ever," he chuckles looking at me in the eyes.

I hold my face in my hands wanting to not look at him. I should've known he wouldn't have let another guy fuck me since he challenged me in the morning. He comes down to me and lifts my head out of my hands. His lips curve into a smile.

"Get out of my room," he consistently blinks and removes his smile sarcastically.

He gets up and walks to his bathroom door and stops again. He turns to look at me since I haven't budged. He bawls his eyes gesturing to the door. I take a deep breath still holding the cover to my chest.

"I... I can't walk," embarrassment fills in my cheeks when I tell him.

He chuckles, taking his eyes to my body and looking through the covers. He's so going to taunt me about this.

"Why do I have to deal with you?" he rolls his eyes coming for me.

I narrow my eyebrows in disgust. This guy does not know what sex aftercare is. I don't understand how the girls who get fucked by him feel after he's done with them.

"Take the cover off," he instructs.


"It's nothing I haven't seen before."

I slowly remove the cover off my body and his eyes trail down.

"Wow," he shockingly gasps like I was artwork.

I look down and find clusters and a trail of kiss marks all over my body. I look away from his eyes, not wanting to face him. He goes into the bathroom and comes out after a while. I think to myself, how the fuck did I let this happen? This wasn't supposed to happen. I need him away from me as much as possible.

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