𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟓 | 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒄𝒌

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I found this silver diamond ring. It's gorgeous. But I think I'm going to have to guess her size. I wonder how she'll react to it though. I hope she doesn't feel too awkward about me doing these things for her. We both head straight back to the sitting area under the Eiffel Tower when we both find our girls sitting together and talking.

"There he is," Iris says getting up to stand next to me. "My husband," she says linking arms with me.

"You know her?" I asked out of curiosity because I thought only Elena was her friend.

"We recently just became friends here," the other girl interrupted.

"Fabian, that's Iris," she introduced Iris to Fabian and then herself to me.

"I was just telling her about this book," Iris excitedly says holding the book up.

"Well, here are the croissants," I tell handing them over to her.

She sits down beside Freya as Fabian hands Freya her macaroons. They end up sharing what they both have as me and Fabian stand side by side looking at them.

"This might be a good time to propose to your girlfriend. My wife would love to see a live teenage proposal," I whisper.

Fabian gets on her knees and Freya's gaze instantly turns to him.

"Freya, I know we've had our ups and downs. But I really love you," he starts as he pulls out the box with the ring.

I can see Iris has a soft sweet smile on her face as she watches him cutely propose to her. I know she wished for something like that too instead of a marriage of convenience. Parents can be so harsh sometimes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he proposes. "Please accept my love-fulfilled proposal under these golden lights of the Eiffel Tower. In this city of love," he poetically says.

Iris gets up to come stand next to me as she watches them. She pulls her phone out and takes photos of them.

"Yes. I will," Freya agrees as Fabian holds her hand in his.

He slides the ring down her finger as they both stand up and share a romantic kiss. So this is love. This is how love feels in reality.

Now I get why Iris is obsessed with these romantic things. These things really do set a spark in the heart and make you go crazy.

"I recorded this moment for you both and took heaps of pictures," Iris says showing them the photos on the phone.

"Ares come on. Your turn now," Fabian says encouraging me because I would've honestly kept the ring hidden.

"See Iris. I told you that he loves you," Freya says upon hearing that.

"You brought a ring for me?" Iris questions hesitantly.

"Yes," I answer hesitantly pulling the box out of my coat's pocket.

I opened the box and showed her the ring. Her eyes widen out of awe as she stares at it. I pull the ring out of the box and put my hand out for hers. She stares at me deeply into the eyes trying to send me a message. I just can't seem to understand it though.

Her hand finally reaches mine. My eyes drop down to her slim fingers as I slide the ring onto her ring finger. It perfectly fits. Thank God it does.

"Yay," Freya and Fabian cheer clapping whilst recording this for us.

"It's beautiful," she comments looking at it.

I pull her in by the waist to mine. My hand cups one side of her face before I say anything.

"Papa was right about my one thing," I start.

"What?" she questions looking up to me.

"You really are precious, love," I finish taking my lips up to her forehead and kissing it.

I can feel my heart racing at this moment. I am in love with her. There is something so magical about this city of love. There is something so magical about these golden lights because I feel my heart racing around inside me out of happiness.

"You both better invite us to your wedding ceremony," Freya says breaking the silence between us.

"They're already married," Fabian says.

"We haven't had the official ceremony yet," I tell.

"You both better invite us to your wedding," Iris laughs.

"Of course we will. I shared my life's most beautiful moment with you Iris. You're a gorgeous, gorgeous girl."

"We were heading to the lover's bridge next. You both want to join us on this beautiful night?" Fabian offers.

"Yes. We would love to," Iris immediately answers.

We all head down to the lover's bridge. Iris' hand is strictly locked in mine that she doesn't let me pull away from her. We grab a lock and she engraves our names onto it.

I watch as she happily does that. Please don't do this out of enjoyment Iris. My heart will ache if you do because I want you to do it out of love for me.

"Here lock it," she says holding the lock.

I use my free hand to lock the lock and then we both make a wish before throwing the key into the water. I wish for her to fall in love with me. She looks at me with a bright smile as she places a kiss on my lips.

"Well. I guess our night together ends here," Fabian says.

"You guys already have the invitation to our wedding. I'll text you the details Freya," Iris tells.

"Can't wait," Freya says.

We all see each other off before we separate from the lover's bridge. I hope the city of love has done a bit of magic around Iris as it has done around me.

"This was the best night of my life Ares," Iris tells cuddling into bed with me.

"I'm glad it was," I say kissing her forehead again.

And just like that, we fall asleep.


"I was thinking if we could move out together soon," I suggested, bringing up a topic that was going to be brought up soon.

"Move out?" she questions.

"We don't have to. It was just a thought I was thinking of."

We've reached back home and right now we're taking a cab back home. Iris intensely thinks about what I've just said.

"You don't have to worry about the housework either. We can work around it together," I added, wanting a house where it was just me and her.

"I don't mind," she hesitantly says.

"Great then I'll talk to sir about it soon. Maybe tomorrow so we can get the shifting done before college break ends."

We only have one term left which is approximately two months before graduation. Iris follows behind me as the car stops at our gates.

"Baby your house is there," I tell stopping at my gate.

"I'm used to being around you now," she laughs.

She goes her way to her gate and enters through. Used to me. That's good. Right? In a good way, she said. Because she laughed. I go inside and my parents are so happy to see me back.

But I already start to miss Iris as soon as I throw myself onto my bed. My eyes normally see her walking around the room doing something, or otherwise, she's normally next to me on the bed.

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