𝑪𝒉. 𝟔 | 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒚 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌶️

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There's a school party today at this resort and I'm getting dressed for that. I decided to dress myself in a silver shimmery party dress. Very revealing but super sexy and cool. I'm so glad the dare week is over and I don't have to bother with the panties anymore. Everything at Ares' birthday dinner also went well. He didn't pull any level ten type of shit, rather he was mad at me.

I'm probably the first girl that has slapped him. Must've hurt his ego. At least he understood not to get into my personal space again. Anyways, I'm not thinking of that moron tonight. I wear some pants and an oversized hoodie as I head downstairs. I lie to my parents, telling them that I'm going for a study session at the library at school but in reality, Elena is here to pick me up for the party.

I take off my pants and hoodie before I enter the resort they have booked for the party. It's so big and there's even a bar there. Leo instantly comes to greet me with a hug.

"You look, stunning," he laughs lost for words.

"I know I do. I wasn't going to turn up to this party in a hoodie, was I?" I joke.

He laughs and we both head around talking to people. My eyes make contact with Ares' as I walk around. I roll my eyes and look away talking to other people.

"Let's get some drinks," Leo says.

"Just make sure they don't know I'm under 18 though," I say.

Ares watched Leo take me over to the bar. It's my first time drinking but it's nothing I don't like. I've always wanted to drink. The bartender gives us both a glass of vodka. We both take the shot at the same time. My eyes squint as I take it down my throat. Bitter but I want more.

I take one more shot before Leo takes my hand and drags me down to the dance floor along with other people. His hands grind against my back and our steps are in perfect sync with the song. I start to feel a bit drowsy but still in my senses. A bit drunk but still aware of what's happening.

As soon as the song finishes, Leo walks over to his other friends and everyone disperses. I'm about to head over to Elena and my other friends when I bump into Ares.

He grips my arms and turns me around, taking me to the entrance of the resort. Nobody notices as they're all busy dancing or drinking and my brain is too fizzy to even say anything to him right now.

"What's your problem?" I frown as he drags me to the car park, throwing me against his car and caging me between his arms.

"You dancing with Leo is the problem. With the guy I hate and despise the most," he argues.

"He's my friend. I can do whatever I want," I say pushing him off me.

I start walking away when he grabs me and throws me against his car again. This time, my front is against his car and my back is against his front. His whole body holds mine.

I try to move out but feel his shaft getting hard on my ass as I rub it. His palm straddles my neck holding my head still so that his teeth can soothly bite onto the edge of my ear. My eyes close as I feel a weird strain of my body running around. A pleasing one.

Flashbacks of the bathroom day come to my mind and I feel myself wet. Wet for him. Wanting to just.... A groan escapes into my ear as he gets harder by me still rubbing my ass for escape.

"You have no idea how bad I want to fuck you for wearing a small dress and showering your tits and ass on that guy," he deeply whispers into my ear.

"I fucking hate you," I softly whisper back.

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