𝑪𝒉. 𝟒𝟐 | 𝑯𝒊𝒔

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Aunt takes me into the house and seats me down into the living. Uncle isn't home right now so it's just the two of us. But I really just want to be with Ares right now.

"Drink some water, honey," she says bringing me a glass of water.

I take a few sips and place the glass on the table. My hands hold onto each other making a ball on my lap. She takes a seat next to me with a soft concerned gaze.

"Iris. Tell me what happened."

I am very hesitant right now. It's not an unfamiliar bond. I wish my mother sat me down like this right now and asked me how I was feeling.

"You're my daughter. Just like Ares is my son, you are my daughter. If he has done anything wrong, tell me," she supportively encouraged.

"He hasn't done anything wrong, Aunt," I speak out afraid that she'd get mad at Ares. "He's the sweetest boy I've ever met," I say letting out a breath.

"I heard the news. Congratulations," she smiles patting my face softly.

"I'm scared," I tell her in a low voice holding my tears back.

"Why, honey?" her eyebrows dig in with worry.

"My parents won't accept this child."

"They will. They will have to for the sake of their daughter," she says.

But what if they don't? I've seen how mad Dad is right now. He's been harsh to me my entire life because I was a girl. But this child is a sin for him. Every day I tried to keep away from everything that would hurt his pride and ego. But I failed. I failed him.

I go up to Ares' room after Aunt has fed me some food. Ares is still not back. I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself for a good few minutes. I look at my face. I argue with myself. I feel like there's a way going on in my head right now.

The door opens and he walks in. It's Ares... I keep looking at myself in the mirror though. His arms snake around mine as she lays his head on my shoulder. His hot burning skin is touching mine. His lips kiss down on my neck and then trail to my ear.

"I'm so sorry for yelling at you earlier," he apologizes.

"It's okay," I whispered back, taking my hand up to his face.

I turn my body around into his arms to lay my head on his chest. He just held me along his chest for the next few minutes. My ears can hear his deep heartbeat against me. I wonder how he's feeling right now. He had so much respect and thought for my dad. Because of me, it's ruined now.

He picks me up my legs and they wrap around his hip as he takes me to the bed. He shifts up leaning his back onto the headboard keeping me on him. There's probably a war in his mind too right now.

"I'm sorry," he starts again.

I pull my head off his chest and look at him. My hands are on his shoulders and his are on my hips.

"I shouldn't have bet on you. I am a disgusting person. The respect I had for your dad is nothing if it didn't stop me from betting on you," he continues.

There's so much guilt in his eyes right now. His voice is so sorrowful.

"You're going to hate me for what I'm going to say next. That night I purposely got drunk so I could fuck you unconsciously out of stubbornness," he confesses.

My eyes widen at hearing that. That night when we both got drunk. How did I not pay attention to the sheets? I should have. I should have asked him if he pulled out.

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