𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟑 | 𝑨 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 🌶️

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We are in history class right now and I've taken the back seats. I brought the book in with me today so that I can start reading it. I open it up and place it in my textbook so the teacher thinks I'm reading the textbook whilst I'm reading my own book. I'm through into the book when I stumble across this quote.

'Haven't you heard? Love is an obsession. Some would even say...the maddest obsession'

It makes me think for a second. The idea of love and the things that come with love is an obsession. Humans normally just need any person on this planet to experiment with the wonders of love. It is an obsession. I'm obsessed with this exact idea of being in love. Having the perfect guy with me in my heart. Someone I love. Someone that loves me back, takes me out. Bring me flowers, spend time with me. Reads books with me and dances to songs with me.

It's all I've ever dreamed of since I was young, I've seen it all around. I used to be so jealous of seeing people in love. Now I understand that there's nothing to be jealous about. They're lucky to experience that but I hope I get to experience that too one day. That one day the perfect guy of my dreams will come to me.

"Is that a new book, sweetheart?" Ares interrupts my thoughts.

The classroom is empty. The bell has already gone. I was too lost in my thoughts and this book. I close it and put it in my bag. I walk past Ares without saying anything to him. I don't want to talk to him. Not until I get the results back. Which is today. I was told that me and Ares will get an email confirmation.

My body does restlessly wait and wait the entire day but I keep myself busy with the book. I read it every lesson and I'm already more than halfway through. This book is an enemies to lovers but the fact that Gianna's existence and beauty has such a strong effect on Allister that he has to go seek therapy. FUCKING THERAPY!

I don't know how I find that cute, but it is cute. I can't believe her own best friend had an affair with her husband though. Girls can be such snakes sometimes, but the way Gianna went to her grave after she died. I could never even bring myself to accept or forgive my best friend for doing that let alone go to her grave.

"We're going home together today. Sir has a

meeting with the other teachers at school," Ares tells me when he finds me sitting by the car park waiting for my dad.

I bookmark my book with my fingers as I get into the car. The book opens back up and I continue reading.

"Seatbelt," he spoke trying to get my attention.

"Shh," I hissed deeply intrigued by the book.

His arm reaches over me to the seatbelt and drags it across my chest to clip it in. My nose takes in his beautiful scent which brings back memories. Memories of us naked in his bed, on each other. In each other. All over each other desperately. He has the nicest scent. I shake my head to snap out of those memories.

I don't even realise when we get home. Ares is out holding the door open for me so I can get out. I close the book once again bookmarking it with my finger so I don't lose the page. I go up to my room and place an actual bookmark into the book before going into the shower to clean myself.

"What are you doing in my room?" I question walking out of my bathroom in a wrapped towel that is halfway down my thighs as I see Ares reading my book on my chair.

"The results," he reminded and at the exact time our phones chimed.

I grab mine off the bed and check the email.


I'm so excited that I run and hug Ares. The

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