O n e - C h o i c e

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If you're reading this, you either know what gods and goddesses are really like, or you're willing to find out. If you aren't ready for the truth, leave. Zeus isn't always the best, Hades isn't always the worst, Apollo isn't always the hottest, Aphrodite isn't always the prettiest. The gods aren't always what you think they are.

My story is an example of that.

My name is Ophelia.
My father is Hades and my mother is Aphrodite. You might be thinking, 'WHATTT? I didn't know they got married!' (Most of you probably aren't thinking that, but I don't care.) Spoiler alert, they didn't. If you know anything about Greek mythology, you know that there are many affairs. Specifically family affairs. (Am I quoting Mary J. Blige? Yes. Yes I am. And you are never going to stop me.)

Imagine getting married to your uncle/aunt. That's why my parents didn't get married. There's also my step-mom, Persephone, but that's a story for another time.

Anyways, you're probably wondering what I'm the goddess of. Dying young. It sounds stupid, right? It sort of is, but it happens all the time. Mostly car crashes, but there are some from illnesses, and a couple from other things.

This is my life. My story. You can either read this to learn my story and some of the gods', or stop reading this and live your life oblivious to the things that are really going on.

Your choice.


245 words

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