N i n e t e e n - S a c r i f i c e

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It means "shining light."  And that's exactly what Elena was to you.  She was your sister.  Half-sister, to be exact.  She was a demigod, the daughter of Aphrodite.  She got along really well with Piper, even though she hung out with you most of the time.  You cared for her with your life and she cared for you with her life.  One year exactly before the incident, you promised each other that you would protect the other as long as possible.  You both kept your promises, but Elena kept hers a little too seriously.  The day of the incident was the day that Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus.  No one in the seven knew this, not even Nico, not even Chiron.  Gaia asked for you.  She claimed that if she got you, she would stop hurting Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.  Knowing this, you were going to sacrifice yourself.  Gods knew that immortality sucked and that life got boring, so you were willing to take any chance of death.  Of course, Elena wasn't able to let go.  She sacrificed herself instead, which didn't stop Gaia.  The only thing it did was anger Gaia even more.  Because of this, Elena was sent down to the Fields of Punishment. But less than a week after arriving, she was gone.  Every once in a while, you could hear her screams from the depths of the Underworld.  And these screams you heard in your dream sounded like her.  But they normally don't come from Tartarus.  And they were never a call for help.  Most of the time, she was teasing you or laughing,  not yelling for help.  Now it sounded like something was hurting her and she was scared.

The screaming was cut off by Chiron's horn.  'Dammit.  Breakfast.' You weren't a breakfast person, but you ate with the campers anyways.  You changed into the Hades cabin shirt and black cargo pants before heading to the pavilion.  You grabbed breakfast and sat at a table with Chiron and Mr. D. 

"How was your sleep, Ophelia?"  Chiron didn't like silence, so he always started the conversation.

"Not good.  Someone was calling for me from Tartarus, I think."

"Do you have any idea who?"

"I think it might have been Elena."


"A daughter of Aphrodite.  One of my half-sisters."

"Ah."  It was silent after he responded.  You finished your breakfast then went back to the Hades cabin to grab your bow and arrows to practice.  It wasn't your favorite weapon, but you needed to do something to pass the time.   
The day went by, just like a normal day, The day went by, just like a normal day, and nothing special happened.  Charlie, Clover, and Sophia were doing their own thing for most of the day, so you didn't really talk to anyone.  You just practiced your bow and arrow, had lunch, practiced your sword, sparred against Nico, hosted capture the flag, attended the campfire party, then went to bed.  You didn't notice anything was wrong until you'd been laying in bed for about an hour, and almost finished listening to Taylor Swift's "Midnights" album. 

"Best believe I'm still bejeweled, when I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer~"  The album was on shuffle, and you were muttering the lyrics to "Bejeweled" when you realized what was off.

You turned your head in the dark and tried to see if there was anyone in the bed on the other side of the room. 'Huh. No one.  Isn't Lennon supposed to be there?'  You used the few working brain cells you had left to think.  Lennon wasn't here this morning, but you just brushed it off, thinking he woke up early. It started to worry you.  'I should have seen him at least once today.  ...  Ugh.'  You got out of bed, threw on a hoodie, and put on your combat boots.  You went out of the cabin and started towards the forest.  You finished "Midnights", so you changed the album to Taylor Swift's "Lover" album.  "Paper rings" started playing.  The two brain cells you had could only form one sentence in your head as you walked off, to probably something that would kill you. 

'This song is way too cheery for what I'm doing right now.'


710 words

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