S e v e n - L o n e r s

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"Hi, uh, may I sit with you guys?" You and Charlie looked at each other. She answered first.


"Oh, cool!" She sat down across from you and Charlie. You decided to spark a conversation, so you didn't seem so reserved. "What's your name?"

"I'm Clover."

"Nice! I'm Charlie, this is Ophelia."

"Hey." You talked to them for the rest of lunch about random stuff.

"What schedules do you guys have?" Charlie responded first-

"I have science, humanities, then math."

"Oh, cool! I have humanities, science, then math, too."

"Really? I have math, science, then humanities."

"Cool!" 'That's nice. At least I have one class with someone I know.' "So, do you guys have any other friends?" You knew someone was going to break the question, but you didn't expect it to be Clover. "Nah, I'm a loner," Charlie said dramatically.

"Charlie, stop being dramatic-"

"I'm not!" 'Of course she would react like that.'

"I'm new here, so I don't know anyone."

"Ya. I don't know anyone, either." 'Great. We're all loners.'

The bell rang. "That was the end of lunch, wasn't it?" "Ya." Clover responded. The three of you started heading back to class. You walked past the humanities door. "Bye, Charlie!"


"See you guys later!" You and Clover walked past the math door. Then the science door, which you both entered at the same time.

You and Clover sat next to each other at a table near the door, and in the back of the room. 'Dammit, he's not here either.' You had one more hope left for getting in Lennon's class. Class was similar to math- everyone introduced themselves to the class, your teacher introduced himself as Mr. Robinson. Again, you blew through the class, and before you knew it, it was over.

Next, you had a snack break. You, Charlie, and Clover met up at the lunch benches. Charlie sparked up a conversation.

"Any people you guys think could be our friends?" Clover always beats you to responding.

"No, not really." You agreed.

"Yeah, definitely not the dudes. They're stupid.

"I 100% agree" This is when you realized that Charlie seemed like the sassy, "girls rule" type of girl, and not the kawaii weeb type of girl.

All of the kids were together again, so you decided to look for Lennon again. You found him with two other kids.

"Ophelia? Are you looking for someone, again?"

"No, why?" Although you were. "Girl, you're starting to make me paranoid."

"Charlie, stop worrying about it. It's nothing."

"Whatever, it just seems like you're spying on someone." She mumbled the last part. It was true.

However, it felt like you were looking for Lennon for a different reason.

A reason you didn't like.


455 words

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