S i x t e e n - E n t r y

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"So we meet again, Ophelia." 'How does she know my name?'

"We gathered that you and Medusa have met before, is that Ophelia?"

"No, Chiron.  I don't remember ever meeting her." You couldn't make eye contact with anyone in the room.

"But darling...we met at your birthday party."


"Yes, your 5th birthday."

"My- Wait...My curse?" Your curse.  You got it on your 5th birthday.

"It's not a curse, darling-"

"Don't call me that."

"But I was only trying to help you-"

"HOW?" You've had it.  If Medusa gave you that curse, that has caused you pain.  Pain from heartbreak.  Pain from just being different. 

"I have protected you from all of the monsters you have come across."

"How did you protect me, though?  How?"

"I-" There was a scream.

"Chiron, what was that?"

"I don't know.  Can you go and check?"

"Yeah.  Sure." You ran off towards the forest, because that's where you heard the scream.

You got to the forest. Shit.  Why was he here?  You would have thought about it, but you didn't have the time.  You rushed over towards the fight.  'Crap.' He was fighting the Minotaur.  Well, hardly fighting.  More like being beaten by the Minotaur.  You had to get a distraction.

"Hey!" A stupid distraction.  But there was nothing else.

The Minotaur charged.  You countered that.  It came at you, with his horns pointed directly at you.  You turned to its side, stabbing its head with your sword.  He stood still. 'Damn, that was easy.' You tilted your sword and the Minotaur slid off of it.  You were going to head back to camp until you realized you were forgetting something.  'Crap.' You turned around and found him standing there.  His eyes were wide, staring at you with either disbelief, sadness, or something else.  You jogged over to him, trying to hide any urge to panic, hug him, and make sure he's okay.

"Hey, you good?"

"Ya...Ya, I'm fine. ...Ophelia?" Dammit. He remembered you.  But that also made your heart skip a beat, considering he knew you and recognized you.

"Yeah, I'm Ophelia."

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I asked first."

"Fine.  So, I'm a goddess. I help run the camp."

"You're a what-" That's when your brain started to pay more attention to his well-being than his face.

"Oh, you're all scratched up.  Let's get you to the infirmary."

"Okay..." He seemed kind of uneasy about it, but it was for the best.  You started to walk off when he grabbed your hand. 'Dammit.  Stop being so cute.' 

After you made it to the infirmary Will took Lennon in to get checked.  You trusted Will a lot, considering that he was Nico's boyfriend.  After a while, he was ready to go, so you took him to Chiron.  After that, you showed him around the camp, following Chiron's orders.  By the time you were done with that, you could hear Chiron blowing the horn, signaling dinner was beginning. 

You took your normal seat, with Chiron and Mr. D.  Honestly, you hate this seat, but you do it so Nico and Will can sit together.  But today, the table was better, because Lennon and Charlie were there. 

"So, Lennon, who's your godly parent?" Charlie started a conversation.

"Uh, I don't know.  My dad said that my real mom is one of the...

primordial gods?" 


570 words

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