N i n e - C o n f e s s i o n s

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     It was lunch.  You were sitting down, eating your lunch when Charlie and Cover got there.  Lilith was in the bathroom, fixing her hair and makeup, so you guys had a few minutes by yourselves, at best.  "I'm confused.  What's going on?"  "Yeah, me too.  How do you know about monsters, Clover?"  You honestly thought Charlie and Clover were normal.  "I don't really have time to explain this, but I'm a daughter of Poseidon and a Hunter of Artemis."  "You're a what-"  You decided to come clean.  "I'm the daughter of Hades and Aphrodite."  "Really?"  "Yeah."
     "GUYS!"  You and clover both paused.  "Please.  Please, explain this."  You went first.  "So, the gods are real.  Like, the Greek gods."  "Like the ones we learn about?"  "Yeah.  Zeus sent me on a mission here to find someone."  "Huh.  Artemis sent me on a mission to befriend someone here."
     "Hey guys!"  Lilith sat across from you.  You could almost see Clover resist the urge to scoot away from Lilith.  And you would do that too.  The rest of lunch was just talking and eating.  Classes started then finished, and you were released. 
     "Are you guys sure she's bad?"  "Almost 1,000,000% sure."  You could clearly see the sadness in Charlie's face as soon as you said that.  "I agree with Ophelia.  and I think it's best if we leave here as soon as possible."  "Leave?"  "I don't think Charlie liked the sound of that, Clover."  Right now, the three of you were walking to the school's exit.  Lilith rode the bus, so she leaved earlier.
     Clover seemed deep in thought.  Eventually, she spoke again.  "We could escape tomorrow.  If you guys pack somethings, we can go.  I've got the food covered, so just bring some clothes."  "Well, my mom's Aphrodite, so I can summon clothes, shoes, or any other things that deal with fashion or beauty."  "Oh, cool."  "Wait, we're actually leaving?"  Charlie totally sounded scared, even though she was clearly trying to hide it.  "We have to leave.  I think Lilith's related to Meduse, but I'll do a bit more research when I get home."
     You didn't think Charlie liked the plan, but she agreed, nonetheless.  You guys parted ways.  You got home, did your normal routine, but asked Kassia a question right before bed.  "Do you think Medusa has a daughter?"  "Why do you care, Lia?"  "Just wondering."  "I think so..."  "Do you know her name by any chance?"  Kassia thought about the question.  A few moments later she responded.



419 words.

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