T w e n t y o n e - F o r e s t

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"So- ... He- ... That's...That's why you hate Lilith and Medusa?"


"Ophelia, I had no idea..."

"It's fine."

"No, it's...it's not fine! You-"

"Charlie. I assure you. I'm fine."


"Charlie, it's fine." You got off the rock, then started heading back to your cabin.

"Ophelia!" You started walking faster. You didn't know why. Your eyes glazed over with tears as you continued to speed up. You could hear Charlie's calls faintly behind you as you got to a jog. Then a run. Then nearly a sprint. You felt bad for leaving Charlie behind in the forest, but your body was almost moving on its own. Soon, you got out of the forest, and when you turned back, there was no sign of Charlie. No voice, no silhouette. 'Dammit.' There were two options- go back, or go to your cabin.

You went to your cabin. Were you being a horrible friend? Yeah. Yeah, you were definitely doing things that should make you the worst friend in history. But at that moment, you didn't really care. The tears stopped momentarily, but you could feel them threatening to come back out. As you were walking back to your cabin, the sun started to rise. You got back to the Hades cabin, locked the door, closed the shutters, and sat on your bed. You sat there, questioning all of your life's decisions. You knew that the forest was a dangerous place to be in. Especially at night. Especially when Medusa and Lilith are around. But you could only hope for the best for Charlie, because you let your ego, yet again, take over your actions- leaving someone in danger so no one could see you cry. It was stupid. You knew. You just couldn't let those cursed lectures from your stepmother go. She also taught you to do what was best for you, even if it hurt others. And you were a kid- you didn't know that hurting others was wrong. But you decided to forget about that.

You stayed in your cabin most of the day, only coming out when someone needed you, or it was time for a meal. Even then, you would only come out for 10 minutes max. Of course, that was until Capture the Flag. You were planning on only staying out as long as you needed to, being one of the referees and all, but unfortunately there were visitors that kept you out longer. You first saw your cousin, who then smiled at Clover and said something to her.

"You did well on your mission, Clover."


419 words 

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