T h r e e - L o v e

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Don't fall in love.
True, people would call you a pedophile, because your thousands of years old and he's only 11 or 12, but that's not what your worried about. You're cursed. Who cursed you? Don't know. Why did they curse you? Also don't know.
Your curse is that you easily fall in love, and it is impossible for other men and women to fall in love with you. Are you atractive? Yes. Very. Your mom's Aphrodite. You hated the feeling of heartbreak. That's why you live with your dad in his realm. You taught yourself to not fall in love with the dead. Never with the living. That's why you hated missions in the mortal realm.
You finished looking through the documents about the boy. Name: Lennon. Height: 5'0" Looks: brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin. 'dammit, Zeus. every boy looks like that.' You decided to sleep for a little bit and deal with your problems tomorrow morning.


159 words

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