T w e n t y t w o - B e f r i e n d

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"Mission?" "Why is a goddess congratulating that new girl?" "Who's Clover?" "Is that Artemis?" "Why is Artemis here?" "What are the hunters doing here?" "How does that girl know a goddess?" There were a lot of people asking a lot of questions. A bit too many for your brain to handle.

Chiron paused Capture the Flag, and trotted over to the hunters, while Selene and Maleiha followed. Sophia was chatting with Maleiha and the other girls, while Selene ran over to her mother to give her a hug, even though Artemis seemed deep in conversation with Clover.

"Why are they here?" 

"Hm? Oh, I dunno. ... Why such a sour look?" Your brother, Nico di Angelo, just looked at you. Suddenly, it dawned on you.

"Oh, yeah, right. ... Sorry." His sister, Bianca di Angelo, died right after she joined the group of girls. The two of them never got to say bye to each other. Nico shook his head then looked down at the grass, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"It's fine." You knew it wasn't fine, considering children of Hades always say that when it's the complete opposite, but you didn't say anything. Plus, it's been multiple years, and there's nothing anyone could do about it.

"Ophelia!" You heard a deep voice call you from across the field. You looked in that direction and saw Chiron, Artemis, and Clover. You started to make your way to the three others.

"Yes, Chiron? What is it that you need?" He looked at Artemis, who looked at him then turned her head to look at Clover, who looked at Artemis then you.

"You wanna know what the mission was don't you?" Clover asked you.

"Well, yeah. Duh." Clover looked at the other goddess then at you before speaking again."Um, so I was basically sent on a mission to befriend you."


"I mean, I still wanna be your friend! Nothing will change that it's just-"


"Huh?" You both stared at each other until you spoke again.

"I'm not worried about our friendship."
"You aren't?"

"Oh. Then what are you-"
"Why me?"


"Why did you have to befriend me?" Artemis joined the conversation.

"You were a powerful goddess who didn't like friends, and I wanted to see Clover's social skills."

"Oh." You and Clover responded in sync.

For the next few hours there was a lot of talking, explaining, and dog treats being thrown to Luna, the dog Artemis rewarded Clover with. Of course, just like any day, that was only until Sophia noticed something while you, Sophia, and Clover were walking to the dinner pavilion.

"Hey, guys? Um, weren't there four of us when we got to camp?"
"Yeah. Why?" Clover responded.

"There's three of us right now." You all paused and looked at each other. Then you could feel your eyes widen as you noticed who was missing. 'Shit.'

"Where's Charlie?"


465 words

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