T w e l v e - D r e a m s

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Water.  Pitch black water.  Suffocating you.  You knew it was a dream, but did you believe it?  No.  No, you didn't.  It scared you.  Down to your core.  Your lungs closed.  It felt like they were burning.  You tried to take control of the dream, but you couldn't.  Water scares you.  You hated it.  You almost drowned as a child, and you always have the same dream.  Grabbing at your neck, trying to find any way to survive, although you were immortal.  You couldn't die.  But, you could feel the pain of death.  Over.  And over again.  The dark, murky waters of that stupid well.  The dark feathers of that stupid bird.  Yes, you were trying to catch a bird, and you fell into a well while doing it.  But could you blame yourself?  You were a five-year-old girl, just wanting attention from someone.  You thought that if you could catch that bird, someone might say "Good job" or something.  That bird was gorgeous.  Completely black with a bit of red and yellow at the top of their wings.  It was a male red-winged blackbird, you later discovered.  But that day haunts you.  You've hated water since.  No one knows, because your mother claimed it would make you look weak and delicate.  You were a goddess.  Goddesses can't look weak and delicate.  So, you continue to suffer from that dream every week.
You woke up gasping.  Your hands around your neck.  You were completely dry.  Only proving to you that that was, in fact, a dream. It was only the crack of dawn, so only a few girls were up.  'Get yourself together'  you told yourself.  You got up and went into another tent to change.  You get dressed in some of the hunter's spare clothes- black ripped denim shorts and a loose light gray crop top.
After a few hours, everyone was awake and already had breakfast.  You, Clover, and Charlie met up to discuss what to do next.  "I think we should leave sometime today."  "I agree with Charlie.  What do you think, Clover?" "Yeah.  I agree.  But is it okay if Sophia comes with us?"  "Sure!"  You weren't as sure as Charlie.  You didn't like the way she reacted when you introduced yourself as the daughter of Hades and Aphrodite.  But, you didn't say anything to the other girls. 
After saying bye, and a couple of emotional moments between you and Thalia, you, Charlie, Clover, and Sophia were off to your next destination.  What was that destination?  You had no clue.  You didn't think any of the other girls knew what it was either. But it was fine.  You felt like a kid again.  A feeling you weren't used to.  You had to grow up that day you almost drowned.  Your mother scolded you and decided you could take over adult life.  You hated that.  You never got to be free, play, and most importantly- live. So, during those few little moments in the hills, you lived.  And felt like a kid. For the first time in forever.



515 words

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