T w e n t y s i x - K i s s

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You all looked at each other with surprise and relief.

"Success!" Yelled Charlie, jumping up with one fist in the air. Everyone started cheering.

"Oh shut up you little pieces of s-" Lilith was cut off by Maleiha tying a rope in her and Medusa's mouth. Everyone was celebrating. Since you were more of an introvert, you left the celebration unnoticed. You walked off in a random direction. You found yourself out on a cliff. 'Well this is the end.' You sat on a stone looking out to the moon. You heard footsteps coming towards you. "Listen Charlie, I'm sorry I left the celebration."

"I'm not Charlie." You looked behind you. Lennon was there. After the battle with some blood and sweat stains, he looked as hot as ever.

"Hey," you replied calmly. You didn't want him to think you were crazy. "Listen, I-" Suddenly, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, catching you off guard. 

"Sorry, I just. I mean I was-" this time he was cut off by you pressing your lips against his, but this time, it lasted for a while.

"Oh, there you guys are-" Nico said as he came out from behind a tree. You immediately broke the kiss and shoved Lennon away. "Um. Yeah, uh, carry on." He said as he retreated back into the darkness. "Oh, and I'm telling Will."

"Shut up you stupid son of a b-"

"Bye," he said, leaving you and Lennon alone again. Your lips were about to touch when Clover walked in.

"Hey there you guys are-"

"Oh my gods!" you and Clover screamed.

"We just needed to find you to come back to camp." Clover said. You and Lennon followed Clover back to camp.

But your hand was in his.


292 words 

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