T w o - M i s s i o n

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"You're going undercover-"
"Oh, cool!"
"As a sixth-grader."
"There's someone you need to look for"
"He's the son of Gaia. A demigod."
"That's one powerful kid."
"That's why we need you to find him." Zeus handed you papers. "This has extra info on the kid. Look over it. You're leaving tomorow at dawn."
You stared at the papers while walking back to your room. You came up to Olympus to hang out with your brother Eros before your birthday and here you are. On (yet again) another mission. For some reason, your uncle Zeus loved sending you on missions.
When you got to your room, you shut the door and sat down at you desk to review the file about the demigod you were about spy on. You didn't know whether you just spy, capture, and/or kill the kid, but you did know one thing for sure. Don't fall in love.


163 words

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