F o u r t e e n - E y e s

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You hated her. You hated the green snakes that stayed on her head. You hated the way she dressed and put on makeup. You hated the sunglasses that hid her identity. And most of all, you hated her eyes. Those powerful, bright yellow eyes that rested in her eye sockets. They hurt him. They hurt your brother. He wasn't related to you, but you cared about him, more than anything.

She hurt you. She killed him. That's why you wanted to hurt her. Maybe without killing anyone, but you could and you would.

"Ophelia, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Shut up." You were on the verge of tears. All of the memories came back to you at that moment.

"Ophelia, that's not how you should treat your elders..."

"I said SHUT UP!" You ran off. It probably made you look weak, but you didn't care at that moment. All you cared about was not letting anyone see you break down in tears. You ran into the Hades cabin and slammed the door.

" Ophelia? Ophelia , let us in." You stayed in bed.

"Charlie, give her some space." You didn't hear Sophia, Selean, or the monster's voice. It was just you with Clover and Charlie outside of the door. You could hear their footsteps residing. You sat there and cried. And cried. And cried.

All you remembered was screaming, crying, and cursing. You and James were playing hide-and-go-seek. He was hiding, you were seeking. After a few minutes, you found him. He ran. You needed to tap him to win. He turned a corner and screamed. You were far behind him, so by the time you turned that same corner, he was gone. The only thing left of him was a stone statue. You knew who did it. That's why you hated Lilith. Lilith was her daughter. You believe Lilith wears sunglasses for the same reason her mother wears a veil. To cover up those eyes. Those disgusting, horrible, bright yellow eyes. You hated those eyes for what they did to him. To your life and happiness.

You hated Medusa's eyes.


353 words

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