T w e n t y f o u r - S n a k e s

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"Uh, guys?" Sophia asked.

"Hm?" Clover responded.

"I know I've never really been in Camp Half-Blood's forest, but are there usually green and purple snakes with bright yellow eyes?" Everyone looked at where her eyes were pointing, only to see a large snake about 50 feet in front of her.

"Y'know what's funny? I've never seen a snake through all of those years me and Maleiha hung out in the lake." After Selene made that comment, the five of you dashed the opposite direction of the snake.

"What in Hades-" Clover ran ahead of everyone else, and seemed to be cursing about something until Selene cut her off.

"Oh, Styx!" You heard Selene.

Finally, Maleiha, Sophia, and yourself were able to make it to where the rest of your friends were.

"For the love of Zeus..." you heard one of the other girls mutter.

Currently, it was a fight of five girls, versus a couple of hundreds of snakes. You decided to take the easy way out of the fight.

"Screw this schist, I'm out." Within a matter of seconds, you were on the other side of the snake pile, facing the girls.

"HOW-" The others started yelling in rage.

"How? Shadow-travel." you said mockingly.

"Take us with you!" Sophia yelled at you.

"Fine!" Within a few minutes, all of the girls were on the other side of the pile of snakes.

"What now?" Maleiha asked.

"I dunno." Selene responded.

"How about we split up? That's what us hunters always do. It's easier to cover more land when we're in groups." Clover suggested.

"Right! It could be me and you, Selene and Maleiha, and Ophelia!" Sophia added.

"I'm good with that." Selene agreed. You and Maleiha nodded. And with that, the five of you broke into your groups to start looking. Within a few minutes, Clover's dog Luna, Maleiha, and Selene came over to you.

"Apparently Sophia and Clover already found them." Maleiha said as she came running up to you.

"Already? Wow."

"Yeah," Selene responded. "I suppose they sent Luna to get us." You nodded then started to follow Luna with Maleiha and Selene.

Sophia was standing by some trees, and you assumed Clover was somewhere behind those trees, because Luna ran there.

"So! Good news- we found the cave with them! But, uh, bad news, Lilith is guarding the cave, and Medusa is somewhere else in the forest." The three of you followed Sophia out of the woods into a clearing where you could see Lennon and Charlie being held captive in a cave behind Lilith. Their legs were tied to the legs of the chair and their arms were tied behind the back of the chair.

"Oh, goodie!" Lilith exclaimed in her cheery voice. "Mother's going to be so proud I lured you all here."

Charlie stared at you with wide eyes, clearly panicking and celebrating at the same time.

"If you could distract Lilith for 5 minutes, I can get the two out of there." You whispered to Maleiha.

"How?" she questioned.

"Don't have time to explain it, just trust me." With a silent nod, Maleiha told Selene, who then told the rest of the girls.

Within those moments, you ran behind a tree, and crouched by a hole after taking a few pieces of gum and candy out of your back pocket.

"Look, I know it's not what you want, but it's the only thing I have." You mumbled before you started to summon the ghosts.

After about 2 minutes, you could see the ghosts slowly creeping past Lilith without anyone noticing. Although they're harder to summon, ghosts are way easier to use for things like this. No one could see them besides the children of Hades/Pluto, but they could do things only physical beings can such as untying knots...

The hostages' eyes widened as the ropes that were restraining them fell to the ground. Sadly, ghosts aren't necessarily silent.

"What was that?" Lilith asked as she whipped her head around looking at the two chairs the kids were supposed to be in.

Charlie and Lennon froze in fear. 'Oh, shit.' you thought.

"Oh, you're in for it." said Lilith. "What do you mean?" you asked.

"You should have stayed away." said a voice. Medusa.


678 words

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