S e v e n t e e n - C l a i m e d

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"One of the primordial entities?"

"Yeah.  What does that mean?"

"That means that your mom is," Do you tell him? That he's technically your uncle and that he's going to be hunted down by basically all monsters?  "uh a very powerful goddess."

"Oh. Okay, cool." 'Dammit.  I probably should have told him'

After a few minutes, dinner was over and everyone started heading towards the campfire.  The cabins all took their places.  Charlie and Lennon took a spot in the Hermes cabin, clearly uncomfortable.  Soon after everybody was situated, Austin and a couple of the other children of Apollo stood up and started singing the normal campfire songs.  Then the "Campfire Song", which was by far, everyone's favorite.

After about an hour, you, Chiron, and Mr. D were wrapping things up, when there was a bright light over one of the camper's heads.  It was the image of a pink dove, lingering over Charlie's head.  On instinct, she swatted the image, trying to make it go away.

"Would you look at that, we have another claimed half-blood.  Charlie Cloud, you are the daughter of Aphrodite." The glowy pink symbol slowly dissolved after Chiron finished speaking.

"Wait, so... I'm a daughter of... Aphrodite?"

"I suppose so," Chiron responded.  You could see the grin slowly build on Charlie's face.  'I guess she's really happy about that.' All of the members of the Aphrodite cabin rushed over to Charlie, hugging her and introducing themselves.  Soon after, Chiron officially ended the party and everyone went back to their cabins to go to bed.  You had the whole Hades cabin to yourself, because Nico was able to sneak into the Apollo cabin for the night.  The next few days went like this except with a few incidents because of Medusa escaping her cage.  Of course, only until we learned about the specific primordial goddess.  

We were about to wrap up the campfire party, but just like what happened to Charlie, Lennon was claimed.  Again, there was a bright green light above his head.  Everyone was expecting Poseidon's trident, or Demeter's grains, but it was different.  It was a world. Earth, to be specific.  You were one of the only people to know who it was.  It was the goddess of the Earth.  The mother of all life.



384 words

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