F i f t e e n - M e d u s a

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You gathered yourself.  You didn't know if Medusa was still in the forest, but you didn't care.  You fixed your hair, makeup, and clothes.  You made sure your sword was in your packet.  It was a black Stygian iron sword, much like your brother Nico's, except it had dark red rose designs on the hilt.  And it could transform into lipstick of any color, depending on your outfit.  

You walked out of your cabin, and there was Miss perfect.  Lilith.  Wearing her black "trendy" rectangular sunglasses.

"What's up, Ophelia?"

"Oh, shut your trap."

"Well, that's quite a rude way to say hello to your friend."

"One, you aren't my friend.  Two, I'm the daughter of Hades.  It's in my nature to be rude, even to friends."

"Then I suppose I'll have to kill you.  Mother always taught me to kill back-stabbers." And without your response, she lurched towards you. 'Shit.  I should really pay attention to what I say to enemies.' She removed her sunglasses.  You ran to the side of the Hades Cabin to dodge her gaze and prayed her mother wasn't there.  You felt hands on your shoulders.  

"Ophelia! Why are your eyes shut so tight?" Are her eyes open?

"Her mother's Medusa! She can turn people to stone with her eyes!"


"Yes! Now close your damn eyes!" You didn't know what to do.  You never really have ever faced anyone with these powers before. 

"Charlie? You're here too?"

"Crap. She's onto us."

"Charlie, Come on.  I know somewhere we can go." You weren't 100% Medusa wouldn't be at the climbing wall, but you didn't know where else to go.

After a few moments of running blindly, you opened your eyes.

"Charlie, you can open your eyes now."

"Oh, thank god." She let go of your hand.  

"Also, pro demigod tip- don't thank 'God'. You thank Zeus."

"Why Zeus?"

"I dunno.  Honestly, I don't like him."

"Isn't he your uncle?"


"Oh. Huh." Silence. Great.

You guys made it to the climbing wall.  As usual, most of the campers there were children of Ares.  Except it wasn't summer, so only 4 kids were there.  And 1 was a daughter of Athena.

"Woah. Why is there LAVA, running down that wall?!"

"It's the climbing wall."

"That doesn't explain why there's lava!"

"They're half-bloods. They need challenges."

"Wait, so-"


"Shit-" You grabbed Charlie and left the climbing wall.  You weren't in the mood for feeling famous.

"How popular are you?"

"Pretty popular.  I'm one of the four gods and goddesses at this camp."

"Who are the others?" 'Why does she ask so many questions?'

"One of the main gods here is Dionysus.  The god of wine and madness.  You already met Selean.  She's the goddess of wild waters. The daughter of Poseidon and Artemis.  There's also ... who's the daughter of Poseidon and Athena. She's the goddess of water activities."

"Wait, wait, wait.  Aren't Athena and Artemis maidens?" 

"Well, Athena can have children without doing the, y'know, physical activity.  And Artemis broke her rule once."

"Huh." You and Charlie heard a voice.  A deep voice.

"Ophelia? Can we talk for a moment?"

"Sorry Charlie, I gotta go." You went off towards the Big House.  You saw Selean, Dionysus, ... , and Chiron.

"What do you need me for, Chiron?"

"It's about Medusa," he responded. You turned around.  You've never met her before.  And she didn't know your name.

"So we meet again...



576 words

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