T e n - E s c a p e

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     It's the day.
     You, Charlie, and Clover were going to escape.  Before you left for school, you told Kassia the truth.  "Hey, Kass?"  "Huh?" "I'm gonna be staying at someone's house for a while, ok?"  "Okay, sure thing!"  ... At least, part of the truth.  You headed off to school, and the day went fine.
     Of course, only until you learned that Lilith wasn't taking the bus.  She went down to the parking lot along with you guys.  Something was off, though.  She looked like she didn't care about the cars.  Like she wasn't being picked up.  This is when you started to worry.  You could see the panic settle on Charlie's face, too.  You looked at Clover.  She nodded.  'I guess we're going through with the plan.'  You grabbed your phone out of your backpack and looked at them.  "I'm gonna call my dad.  Can you guys watch my stuff?"  "Sure!"  Ugh.  You hated Lilith's positivity.  You walked off to the other end of the bench to pretent to call someone.  You also made a mental note that Lennon didn't take the bus.
     'Girl.  Focus!  You don't have time for any romance.'   You stood at the edge of the bench for a few moments before returning.  "My dad is gonna take a while."  "Oh, well my mom isn't coming for at least the next few minutes."  'Great.  Just what we needed.'  Lilith was going to be there for even longer.  After a couple of minutes, the kids started fanning out.  A sixth-grader and her sister left at 2:41, Lennon left in a Toyota at 2:43, and by 2:49, only a few kids were left.  Clover started heading up towards the stairs.  You and Charlie followed.  Where are you guys going?" 'fair point.  Where are we going?' "Uh, we are going to check something with a teacher...we all have a question on one of the math problems." "I can help you!" "NO- I mean...no, it's fine" Clover responded with a slight smile.  "Okay..?" 'Shit.  Lilith was definitely catching on to something.' 

     A couple minutes later, you, Charlie, and Clover made it to the upper field. Without being caught.  The only thing you had to do now was jump the fence.  "Ophelia, can you help me get up there?" "Sure" You assisted Clover up on top of the wall.  Then you helped Charlie, who was pulled up by Clover.  You ended up having to back up and get a running start to get enough leverage to reach Clover's hand.  You made it up after two tries.  

     After 10 minutes of walking, Charlie's complaining, screaming, running, and talking the three of you finally made it to Clover's camping spot.  "What do we do now-"  "FELIX"  'What the f-'  "FELIX, GET YOUR LITTLE BLACK BUTT OVER HERE!" "What's going on-" You were confused.  Like the most confused you have ever been in your life.  And that was saying a lot, 'cause you're thousands of years old.  

     A penguin ran in front of you.  "Hey, woah, chill, buddy" A blue-haired girl ran up to you.  "Felix, really?" The penguin, apparently named Felix, waddled over to the girl.  'Wait. I recognize her...' "Are you-" "Gotta go, bye!" She cut you off before you could finish your question.  You were pretty sure you had seen her at Camp Half-Blood.  As you recall, she was the goddess and a hostess of the water games at the camp.

     After a few moments, Clover had gathered her things, and the three of you were on your way to wherever Clover had planned.  Of course, this idea scared you a bit.  Thinking that you were trusting someone so much scared you to death.  You followed Clover with Charlie in the back for a while.  And for a moment, you felt at peace in the mortal realm. 

     Of course, only for a moment.


649 words

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