T w e n t y t h r e e - L e a v i n g

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"Oh, dear."

"Chiron, what is it?"

"Medusa is gone too." The four of you paused. A few minutes ago, you, Clover, and Sophia ran over to Chiron, telling him how you realized Charlie and Lennon were missing. This news shattered any hope of either of them being safe.

"Well, then. We must send out campers to look for them."

"Chiron, no! We can't," The three others looked at you with confusion. "I mean... Look, I've lost multiple people to Medusa, and I don't need to see any other campers go through the same fate."

"The Fates decide it." Chiron countered.

"The Fates can make the campers' strings longer." Chiron nodded.

"Who will go then?" he asked you.

"I will."

"I can, too-" The two other girls responded.

"You can't, it's too dangerous." Sophia stared at you blankly. Clover scoffed then looked at you. "I was sent on a mission by your cousin, to befriend the goddess of dying young. Surely I can find a way to rescue two 12-year-olds without dying." You had no comeback.

"Fine." A large smile spread across Clover's face.

"I'm taking Sophia with me." A smile spreads across Sophia's face after hearing that. You just rolled your eyes.

"Can we come too?!"

"EEK-" The three of you girls screamed. Chiron just chuckled. You turned around and saw two blue-haired girls- Selene and Maleiha.

"Holy Hephaestus, don't do that Selene!" You hated when people scared you.


"But, yes. You can come."

"Well then, I guess that's settled. When do you girls want to leave?" Chiron asked. The rest of the girls looked at you.

"Don't look at me. I don't care." That's when they started to throw out suggestions. Maybe a little too many.



"Next week!"

"Now!" Everyone went silent after Selene said that.


"I could work with that." you responded. The other girls nodded.
"So, now?"

"I suppose, Chiron."

After a few minutes, all of you girls were ready to leave. That's when the five of you headed into the dark forest for your mission.


317 words

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