T w e n t y f i v e - F i g h t

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"Uh oh." said Sophia.

"That's right." said Medusa.

"What do you want from us?" asked Selene.

"Oh, I don't want anything from you." said Medusa. "You just are all in my way, so that's why I kidnapped her." she said, gesturing at Charlie.

"In your way of what?" you asked.

"Him." she said.

"Me?" said Lennon, looking shocked. "Why?"

"Because," said Lilith. "Your mother is a primordial goddess, making you one of the most powerful demigods in existence."

"What does that have to do with anything?" he asked.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" she said. "You are a powerful demigod, me and my mom are monsters! What more do you need?"

"Er-" said Lennon. "I didn't even know I was a demigod until a few days ago!"

"Too bad," said Medusa.

"Well, if you want him, you're gonna have to fight us." you say.

"I'm not afraid of you." said Medusa. Then, she lunged at you. Around you, all your friends launched into battle.

Lilith released her snake, which you heard her call Scales. Scales fought Selene and Maleiha, Clover and Sophia fought Lilith, and you fought Medusa. Meanwhile, Charlie and Lennon hung back from the fight.

"Shoot." you said as you narrowly dodged a knife.

"Oh my gosh!" Charlie screamed.

"What're we gonna do?" asked Maleiha. "We can't keep fighting forever."

"You're right." you said. "We have to come up with a plan." "Well, go ahead. I would love to hear your little plan." Medusa said.

'This isn't possible.' you thought. 'How can we defeat two monsters and a snake?'

Just then, Selene swung her sword at Scales, killing the snake. "How could you?" Lilith screamed in anger. She leaped at Selene.

"Oh no!" Charlie gasped. "Shit." Lennon said. 'Shit is exactly what I'm thinking.' you thought.

Selene barely missed Lilith's sword. The battle momentarily stopped as you all watched the two girls sword fight each other.

Suddenly, you had an idea. You whispered it to Clover, who whispered it to Sophia, who repeated it to Maleiha. "On my count." you said. "3...2...1...go!"

Sophia and Maleiha leaped at Lilith from opposite sides, knocking her to the ground. Clover ran over with some rope and quickly tied her up.

Then, you ran toward Medusa. You were hoping to knock her over, but she was too fast.

"Ha!" said Medusa. She swung her knife at you, and when you ducked, she tripped you and you fell.

The others gasped. 'Dammit.' you thought.

"Any last words?" said Medusa. "Yeah." you said. "Behind you."

"What?" Medusa turned.

Lennon jumped at Medusa with a sword, slashing a cut in her arm. As she fell back, he put the sword at her neck. Charlie and Clover ran over and quickly tied her up.

"Thanks." you said, breathless. "Of course,course," said Charlie. "Wouldn't want my best friend to die!"

You smiled at her.

"Alright." you said. "Let's go back to camp."


460 words

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