F o u r - S c h o o l

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You decided to get out of bed at 4:30am to have enough time to get ready. As a goddess, you didn't have strict schedule. If you had a meeting a 5:00pm, you could get there at 6:00pm. Now as a 6th grader, you had to arrive on time.
You got out of bed, took a shower, and changed. You did your hair as much as you could, because you had a wolf cut. You decided to get dressed in a more normal outfit. You normally wear more gothic and emo clothes, but you didn't want to stand out, so you dressed in a more casual outfit.
You knew a Hunter of Artemis whose sister lived in the same city as the school, so you were living with her temporally.
"What's up, Oph?" You rolled your eyes. 'Dammit, Kassia with her stupid smart ass questions.' "Don't call my that, Kass." "Why?" she said with a whine. "It sounds like 'Oaf' and we all know I'm smarter than you." "Fine~"
You grabbed an apple and started to head out the door. "Already leaving?" Kassia looked at you confused. "Ya. Class starts at 8:00am." "Ugh, now I remember why my parents took me out of school," "No fair, my uncle is forcing me" "haha" You scoffed as you walked out the door. You were leaving at 7:00am, so you should have an extra 30 minutes to look for the kid once you got to the school.
You drove to school, because technically you are of age, you just needed to change your apperance once you got to the school. Oh yeah, that's another one of your abilities. The power to basically shapeshift. It's hard to fully change your apperance (like from female to male), but you can make yourself look younger or older then you actually are.


309 words

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